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how to clean softbox front

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<p>Have you tried a biological washing agent? The material is likely to be Nylon or Polyester, so bleach should be safe provided it's well rinsed out afterwards.<br>

However, I think most decent softbox diffuser fabrics are treated with a flame-retardent chemical that will probably wash out. I would be careful of using a laundered diffuser with hot lights or with a powerful modelling light. And more to the point, can you really see any differennce in the pictures between a fresh and slightly aged diffuser? Wouldn't it just be easier to tweak the white balance a bit?</p>

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<p>They yellow with age. Bleach or color safe bleach does nothing for some reason. Maybe it has something to do with prolonged exposure to the environment, and modeling lights?</p>

<p>Most of the time you can just CC the photo ... as long as all of the diffusers you are working with are relatively the same age. </p>

<p>I just washed my 5' Profoto outer diffuser 4 times using bleach ... to little effect.</p>

<p>So, I asked this question of a studio tech friend that works in a big pro studio, and he has never heard of anyone solving the issue (not that there isn't one, just no-one seems to know of one).</p>

<p>His suggestion was to simply replace it for color critical product work and keep the yellowed one for portrait photography : -)</p>


<p> </p>

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  • 1 year later...

<p>Hello Arjen,<br>

I recently bought two 5-bulb softboxes of craigslist. It didn't have the yellow you were speaking about, but it did have a lot of brown spots on the front diffusers and inner diffusers. I handwashed mine with warm water and Hydrogen Peroxide 50/50. It brought them back whitel again. I hope this helps!</p>

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