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Travel to Haiti


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<p>I will be traveling to Haiti next month for humanitarian work, both participating and documenting, and I was wondering if any one has been there post-earth quake and has any suggestions about places to see, things to watch out for, etc... I will be staying in Port au Prince for only a day and then will be headed North to the Mirebalais area. I will be taking a D300s (the D800 hasn't come out fast enough), 10-24 DX, 24-70 2.8, 70-200mm 2.8, 35 1.8, sb-600, and a sb-910. <br>

Thanks for you help,<br>


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<p>What are you looking for in regard to subject matter, Jacob? I'm assuming at this point you are looking to document the disaster aftermath, but that's not clear in your post. I spent time in Haiti a couple of decades ago, and even in all the grinding poverty there is some real beauty in the landscape and people. Right now though I would be hard-pressed personally to see that behind the problems this country faces.</p>
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<p>Sorry if I was unclear in the post. I am looking to capture disaster aftermath and the small amount of recovery that has occurred. I would like to come back with a series of strong portraits of victims. I agree that the natural beauty will be hard to appreciate. </p>
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<p>Although I have not been back since the earthquake I would have to believe that by far the most damage, and any signficannt rebuilding events will be in Port au Prince. The quake happened almost directly under the city center, and although much of the country was affected there is nowhere near the impact elsewhere. </p>
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