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More on the kids theme....NUDITY


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<p>In the past (it's been a while since I posted here) one could show a photo involving nudity if:<br>

-it was posted as a clickable link<br>

-a 'nudity' warning was posted<br>

The photo pops up, so I deleted it.<br>

Any way to post as a link...or is tasteful nudity okay.</p>


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<p>If you just post the link, it won't appear as an image. The only ways to make it appear as an inline image are to a) use the "img" tag in html, or b) use the image symbol in the visual editor. If you just cut and past the link, starting with nothing but "http", it will not show inline as an image but will be a link. If you want to test this, use the Test Forum with a random image.</p>
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<p>I'm quite certain mine should be forever covered up. I'm happy there are folks who qualify for other categories. Lovely photograph. </p>

<p>Since the efforts to post this and the early comment touch on the big issues: what do people think of Sally Mann's famous photographs of her children? I think they are brilliant myself, because as provocative as they are, they are never ever for a moment false. I do find them somewhat terrifying though. Which is an artistic achievement on her part.</p>

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<p>What do I think? Well, at the risk of having the authorities knock down my front door (just kidding...!) I love her photographs. Some of them are sublime. Not erotic <em> </em>but sensual. And you're right, Vince, they are not false at all - that is how they actually are at home: relaxed, free and happy in their own skin.</p>

<p>What's funny about our modern world: I stayed over at a girl's place a few years ago. Her sister and family were living with her at the time. But I had no qualms walking around in boxers and t-shirt. Now, I thought that was quite conservative (I wouldn't have worn the t-shirt - or maybe anything at all - had there not been other people around). But while we ate breakfast in the backyard, she said that she was impressed that I was not at all prudish about walking around in my underwear!</p>

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<p>Well Karim I'm not sure I'd go so far as "relaxed, free and happy in their own skin" -- I think the photos reveal some darker stuff there too; you cannot escape the sexual content, the incestuous undertones. Or, really, overtones. And the technique of the shots underscores this I think, their tones are muted and the shadows go very deep into black. They speak of freedom but they also reveal the burdens and the terrors of real freedom. The breaking down of boundaries means not only liberation: it means the end of certain protections. The famous French anthropologist Claude Levi-Straus wrote, notoriously, that "the end of incest is the beginning of civilization." One of the things he is noting is that we believe deeply, fervently, that the suppression of incest is crucial to our community's survival. This does not mean, however, that people don't have incestuous feelings. Or impulses. It means they don't act on them, speak of them, or quite often even acknowledge them to themselves. All this human conflict and feeling constitutes the territory in which Mann was working, or into which, following her artistic impulses, she found herself advancing. It is brave and honest and continually beautiful. Even the pictures with wounds.</p>
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<p>This does not mean, however, that people don't have incestuous feelings. Or impulses. It means they don't act on them, speak of them, or quite often even acknowledge them to themselves.</p>


<p>Ah, yes. I see what you mean. Fair point! It seems that children are catalysts for sexuality between adults - I'm certain of that. Actually I have not looked at Mann's work in ages. It's probably time to look at it all again. I don't remember incestuous overtones - but maybe you're right.</p>

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