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The Ricoh Love


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<p>I like to post something that is related to Pentax's mother company Ricoh. It is perhaps not well known to some of us as compared to Pentax in the film days but I have been shooting the Ricoh xr-p for quite a while. While I am still a big fan of Pentax metal film bodies like MX and SuperProgram, I actually sold all of my Pentax film bodies but I keep my Ricoh xr-p as my single 35mm film body</p>

<p>I almost traded it with Nick Siebers when I wanted to purchase his Pentax auto 110 kit. Here is a look at my kit<br /> <img src="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g192/hinioman/scanner_trial/DSCF2846.jpg" alt="" width="540px" /></p>

<p>And here are some recent shots with Ricoh xr-p. I did struggle with scanning at home with flatbed scanner and I discuss <strong><a href="http://www.pentaxforums.com/forums/film-processing-scanning-darkroom/165492-suggestions-improve-flatbed-scanning.html">How to improve flatbed scanning</a></strong> in PentaxForums.</p>

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<p>Ricoh xr-p <br /> Vivitar 24mm f/2.8 P/K-AR<br /> Kodak BW400CN<br /> Home scan with low resolution for 1200dpi with Canon 8800F<br /> Dwayne's Photo for development</p>

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<p><strong>#1</strong><br /> <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/hin_man/sets/72157628142430592/"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6046/6350432219_426067d9b9_z.jpg" alt="" /></a></p>

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<p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/hin_man/sets/72157628142430592/"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6059/6351176866_7d716824ba_z.jpg" alt="" /></a></p>

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<p><strong>#3</strong><br /> <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/hin_man/sets/72157628142430592/"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6096/6351176784_079db6dfd3_z.jpg" alt="" /></a></p>

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<p><strong>#4</strong><br /> <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/hin_man/sets/72157628142430592/"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6035/6350432033_c99a85106b_z.jpg" alt="" /></a></p>

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<p><strong>#5</strong><br /> <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/hin_man/sets/72157628142430592/"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6218/6348365836_7e510deb3e_z.jpg" alt="" /></a></p>

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<p>I should have tried setting ISO to 200 as I was told by my local film shop that the BW400CN is native in 200 though labelled for 400. Most of the indoor shots come out way underexposed and I have a difficult time to pull up lighting in post processing.</p>

<p>Ricoh does have interesting and solid gear in the past and I hope you can share your knowledge and unique gear as in Ricoh GXR and the like with us ....</p>

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<p>Thank you all for the kind comments and encouragement. I have been struggling with scanning with my flatbed on 35mm films. And seeking suggestions and help from various sources of Film loving forums does help me to regain confidence and interest with 135 format. I almost want to give up my 135 format and trade in my beloved Ricoh. It was almost an irony that when I shot this roll about 1.5 months back wanting to salvage my time with the Ricoh. As I learn now, there is so much going with the reasons why I love this Ricoh xr-p so much.</p>

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<p><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2510/4151937356_f9fea4f0c8_z.jpg" alt="" width="387" height="500" /></p>

<p><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2563/4206774893_e60f030991_z.jpg" alt="" width="425" height="640" /></p>

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<li>The viewfinder is not as big as the MX but the display of information as in aperture, shutter, warning of inaccurate shutter in Tv mode really make it a beauty to use with confidence</li>

<li>The Ev compensation and shutter to 1/2000 with mode dials on top is so much better than the tiny buttons toggle on SuperProgram or the like in ME Super</li>

<li>Metering is always a breeze with the Ricoh. I am yet to try its TTL flash</li>

<li>The shutter sound is very different than the Pentax. One may not like it as it has a high pitch noise but I much prefer it over the mechanical shutter in Pentax film bodies. It is quieter for street shooting as the high pitch noise is not as noticeable as the clunk in other film bodies.</li>

<li>The optional hand-grip really helps me in the shooting. The Pentax has a thinner and sturdier bodies in MX or the like, but the optional grip in xr-p wins me over for steady shot with confidence. Most of the shots that I posted are slower than 1/30 second hand-held. The shots in #1 and #2 are in 1/30 and 1/10 sec as it is a no-windows interior room in shot #2.</li>

<li>I have two lemon copies of xr-p and it shows that shutter mechanics break as easy as in any other brands. </li>

<li>One usual gripe is in the peeling of its leatherette body in the xr-p and my is unusual intact with minor marks on the strap lug.</li>


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<p>And the scanning tips that I gather really help along with my expectation to set right with the smaller print. With gained insights and knowledge on scanning, I am likely to go back and re-scan some of my older photos with the xr-p.</p>

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<p>I later find that I have quite severe vignette in wide open aperture in f/2.8. The #1 picture can't be lightened up as there are severe vignette in the corners. And I may have the wrong lens hood though my lens hood is very thin and supposed to work with wide angle lens. It has more to do with wide open shot with the lens and a slight effect with the lens hood. You can easily see the corners that are darkened and with a tunnel vision.</p>


<img src="http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6118/6351125184_fb4f4fd10f_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="423" /></p>


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