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Is Silverfast as lousy as I think it is?

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<p>I just upgraded my Silverfast 6.6 to Silverfast 8, hoping the documentation and interface would be better. While I can manage to use Silverfast, the reality is that I don't use many of its tools and can't get it to do what I want half the time.<br>

Silverfast seems to me to try to mask its interface deficiencies with it's automated workflow that seems to limit what you can do. For instance, it does not appear you can apply the workflow to multiple negative frames. The workflows seem to generate one big file. And it also appears that if you want to modify the workflow with multiscan or dust removal, you can't.<br>

On the other hand, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I don't understand it, or it's just a really poorly designed interface with even worse documentation.<br>

While Silverast does create excellent scans, the documentation seems to me to be so pathetic that I would never ever recommend this software to anyone. (Hamrick's is fare more user friendly.)<br>

But, now that I just spent $150 (upgrade discount) on this crap, I'd like to figure out how to use it. Basically, I have quite a few 35mm negatives I want to scan and have a number of old photos as well.<br>

Any suggestions?</p>

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<p>Well, I'm a dedicated and committed (or should be) user of ViewScan, but there are a lot of people out there who swear by Silverfast. I would guess that there must be more there than you are finding or they would all be saying that it was Silver-half-assed.</p>

<p>All I can suggest it that you give it a chance and try to figure it out. Even Hamrick's documentation ain't all that great.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I'm running SF 8 with two scanners, Epson V750 and Nikon 5000ED (have used version 6 for a few years now) and wouldn't trade it for Vuescan. I'll agree it's not easy to learn and sometimes use, but I like the efficiency of scanning (being specialized for each brand/model) and workflow.</p>
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