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<p>I have downloaded paper profiles from epson & Hahnmule. I have followed all the insructions to the best of my understanding but all my prints come out w/ a reddish color cast. I am using an epson 2200w/ windows7. I get the same result w/ ps or lightroom. I have turned off the color management in ps. All photos are shot raw using adobe rgb1998. Please advise.</p>
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<p>Have you performed all the diagnostic checks on your printer? You will use a fair amount of ink running the tests but a clogged jet will cause colour casts and the tests can cure it. If the printer doesn't see a lot of use or stands unused for a couple of months the jets clog easily. I use an Epson 2400.<br>


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<p>what paper you try to print on? use a epson profile similar to the finish.. let say you have a rag paper.. use velvet epson profile.</p>

<p>and by the way, if you turn off color management in Photoshop.. you CANT use the manufacturer paper... maybe you mean that you select the manufacturer paper in Photoshop, use relative colorimetric, check black point, and in the epson driver you turn off color management.. correct?</p>

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<p>where it says printer profile in the print dialouge box it lists all the paper profiles plus adobe rgb & various other choices. When I choose other than adobe rgb 1998 I get the red tint. Naturally the profile I select is for the paper which I am using.</p>
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<p>you should never use adobe rgb there... it is only for a paper profile. in your case, this is where you will use the hannemulhe one.. then in the epson driver you turn off color management (or icm off).</p>

<p>if you put adobe rgb and then select a paper profile in epson you are screwing the color management...</p>

<p>if you let the printer determine color in Ps, then selecting a paper pforile in epson, you are not using the hannemulhe one, only a epson one.. that could be a good alternative when, like in your case you are getting wrong color with the manufacturer profile. (if you are printing correctly of course)</p>

<p>can you post some screen capture of your exact setting in Ps, then the exact setting you are making in the epson driver.. i will better help you that way.</p>

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<p>In ps I go to file/print. A dialogue box comes up. Under the heading color handling there are 4 choices 1)printer manages colors<br>

2)ps manages<br>


4)no color mngmnt<br>

In order to be able to choose any of the paper profiles I must choose 1 or 2. Ok so i choose ps.<br>

Under the heading printer profile I have a menu which has all the paper profiles & many other things, I choose the Hahnmule profile. I click on print which takes me to the next dialogue box where I choose the epson paper type reccomended by Hahnmule (watercolor). under color mngmnt i choose ICM under Icc profile I choose no color adjustment.</p>

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