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<p>Due to Silverfast not supporting my Minolta scanner in windows 7 I've had to swop to Vuescan. (Thank God that was possible.) In Silverfast it was possible to quickly scan all six frames on the film holder and get small "contact sheet" type images up on the screen and then one could click on the appropriate frame to preview and scan. I can't find any such facility on Vuescan. Is there such a facility? In Vuescan it seems that all one can do is to number the one appropriate frame. Any info appreciated. Thanks.</p>
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<p>Hi Al,<br>

I don't have an exact answer but I generate my own small scale scans through lowering the resolutions to around 150 dpi. I find that this allows me to have a very quick digitisation of the 12 frames in 35mm. Then I would go through the largescale scans. This also allows me to adjust the position of the negatives.</p>

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"I can't find any such facility on Vuescan. Is there such a facility?"


Vuescan doesn't have a thumbnail view of the frames in the holder. You can however preview scan and then arrow-key through the frames in the holder, selecting which ones you want to scan to disk, with individual settings.

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<p>Actually there is a way. Do a preview scan, then when Vuescan shows you the preview scan with the crop box display (marching ants) click to the Scan tab above the image. You'll then get what a scan would be, but it's of course at the resolution that the preview scan was made. There are left and right buttons at the bottom right of the window, as well as frame number on the input tab, as well as Page Up and Down keyboard buttons, as well as being able to click Scanner> Previous and Next, to scroll through the individual scans. This is all for my Windows 32 bit computer, Vuescan version 9.0.59.</p>

<p>One advantage to having the entire preview screen as opposed to a pick from thumbnail view is so you can see if the program is going to crop properly. Vuescan works on a multitude of scanners and they're all the same program, where as Silverfast customizes a program dedicated for your scanner. In short Vuescan is more generic, where as Silverfast is rather specific, so some errors in alignment can occur but you can help the program by paying attention.</p>

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