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New to Photoshop, Have a problem with cursor

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I'm relatively new to Photoshop but I've been using a few basic functions with relative success. Recently when using the Healing Brush, the "tip" of the brush changed from a shaded-in circle to what looks like a crosshair, with no centre (like a plus sign but the centre is empty). I'm not sure how I changed the brush tip to what it is, or how it really affects the tool (and other tools as well I believe). I really liked being able to see the circular tip when using the healing brush. <br /><br />Does anybody have any idea what I might have done, or how I might fix it?<br>

Thoughts appreciated, thank you!</p>

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<p>"Any idea why it changes with caps lock?"<br>

Just found this thread and had recently been nearly driven to the brink with the same problem.<br>

After numerous futile attempts to change the brushtip settings in preferances and dredging to find the answer through Adobe CS5 online un/help site,<br>

I decided to try and find the answer in one of the 6 CS5 textbooks I now own.<br>

Scott Kelbys CS5 book, pages on setting up brush preferances was a no go, but hitting my second book in the pile<br>

Photoshop CS5 on Demand by Steve Johnson had the answer...<br>

The 'caps lock key option' is there so you can quickly change any settiings brush tip on the fly to the 'Precise' mode by using the keyboard shortcut.<br>

Apparantly since my keyboard is partially obscured under the desktop I failed to see the caps lock indicator light lit at the top of the keyboard.Not that I would have known that this was the reason at the time.<br>

Another very simple yet aggravating 'hidden' problem I've encountered in the past, was not being able to correctly select my foreground/background colors (reversing), using the x key. <br>

Had to pose that one on the Adobe forum to find that the answer was hidden in the Colors Box Window, foreground/background selection boxes.<br>


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