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Additional D100 experience from previous post


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<p>Follow-up to a previous question regarding D100 and menu/replay showing a blank screen. After

fidling a lot, the menu or replay will display and then begin to fade to blank. I am able to change settings

in the menu if I act quickly before the image fades. Still trying to figure what may be the cause. It

now appears to me to be a switch or function that is failing.<br>

Anyone else experiencing this proble

? Love the 100 for casual and comfort handling and hate to let it go or purchase another on e-bay.

Any suggestions?</p

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<p>As you seem to be quiet attached to that camera, why don't you send it to Nikon for a free estimate. It will only cost you a few dollars to ship it to them and they will ship it back to you at no cost if you decide not to repair it. And maybe you will get lucky and the repair won't be unreasonable. </p>
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<p>D100 is my first love as well, mine had contact problem with shooting mode but not the display. It might cost more than the camera is worth even if they still have the part. Have you consider a D200? the last CCD from nikon, they are quite cheap and much more improved features.</p>
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I have a D100 and a D200, and admit the superiority of the 200, but when I wander in a shooting mode I have the D100 in hand. Don't have a clue why, I just do it. In answer to your question, there has to be D100s for sale on the auction site for a lot less than a repair bill and 2 way shipping.
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