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Need help with triggering off camera flashes with the popup


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<p>Hey, I'm new to this forum, and I have a question that's been bugging me for a while and I've tried to find the answer online, and in my manual.<br>

I'm having trouble with triggering my Nissin DI866 flash from my popup. I know my 7D is capable because I've read it, seen it and used it, but here's my problem. If I'm close up to the flash and I rotate my camera into portrait position (flash on the right), the flash won't fire. I can control the flash with the on camera menu, but the flash won't fire every time, and sometimes not at all. And if I try to use another small cheap flash to get a two sided flash, only one flash will fire.<br>

I don't know if this is making any sense, but it is getting frustrating. Both off camera flashes are set to slave.</p>

<p>Thanks for any time you can spare...</p>


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<p>Yeah, I thought the radio is the way to go. Line of sight isn't a problem and outside is less of an issue. I'll check out the Cactus. I haven't heard good things about the Pocket Wizards and the Radio Poppers are way too expensive. Thanks...</p>


<p>PS. What about the Yong Nuo ST-E2, or the RF-602? I know the 602 really isn't compatible with the 866, but the ST-E2 is and also has ETTL. I also want to get a few flashes off the camera, so does that change anything?</p>

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<p>I use a half dozen of the RF602s that I use on my Vivitars. If your 866 has a center-pin trigger or a PC cord trigger, then the RF602 should work. Of course it will be manual only -- no ETTL.</p>

<p>Five of my 6 radio slaves work beautifully and have a very long range -- at least 130', which is as long a distance as I'm likely to use -- and as far as I can walk, out my back door without falling into the water. (I didn't bother testing farther.) I asked a friend to range-test his prior to my ordering mine, and he got his to trigger behind several cars in a parking lot at a distance of a few hundred feet. He couldn't walk any farther without losing sight of his flash.</p>

<p>Now that 6th slave is a runt. It's only good to about 30'. I asked the ebay seller if he would refund 1/2 for the runt, and he agreed.</p>

<p>So far the RF602 units have performed very well for me. No complaints.</p>

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<p>Hmmm. Thanks I'll check out the Cybersyncs too.</p>

<p>Sarah, what body are you using and can you control them from the camera? I'm assuming the manual only means not, but you mentioned the ETTL. I want to control them from my camera menu... Save time running back and forth.</p>

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<p>The good news: You should be able to trigger from any hotshoe. I own a 5D, a 40D, and a G11. All three are compatible, as should be any other camera in the EOS or Powershot G-series line (and lots of others).</p>

<p>The bad news: No ETTL, and no control of flashes from your camera's menu. You have to run back and forth. It's good for you. ;-)</p>

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