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Lightroom 3 to PS CS5 and back to Lightroom 3

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<p>I am new to Lightroom. I figured out how to export photos from Lightroom to Photoshop. When I finish with my adjustments in Photoshop, I want the adjustments to show up in Lightroom. Is there an easy way to get the adjustments to show in Lightroom. So far, what I concluded is while in Photoshop I save the image and then just re import it into Lightroom, but then there is two of the same images, one with PS adjustment and one without. Is there an easier way? </p>
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<p>You don't have to re-import the image into Lightroom; it will show in your catalog by default. And yes, you will have two versions of the image, one will be the edited .psd from Photoshop and the other the original (JPG or RAW, whichever you shoot).</p>

<p>If you believe your images are not showing in Lightroom, right-click on the containing folder in the Library view and synchronize the folder to see all the images.</p>

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<p>Okay everyone is missing a step here. As Howard partially explained - you Add Photoshop as an External Editor in Lightroom (check help for steps, its a menu option under Setup or Preferences).<br>

Then when you are "done" with edits in LR, you right click and choose Edit in PSx - it will then ask you if you want to Edit with LR Changes (yes....) and then takes you to PSx.<br>

When you are done with edits there, save/close it and it should show in LR next to the original RAW file (as long as you save in same Folder/Directory - if not Synchronize as Peter said.<br>

I have other programs such as Portrait Pro and more mundane/fun editors added, makes working with the files in one place much easier and you retain the original.</p>

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