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Bronica Etr winding problems


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<p>Recently acquired an ETR (not sure of date, s/n B5111495) that worked great initially. Very impressed with images from my 75mm. Then, in mid-roll, the wind lever just kept winding, never reached a stop as it had previously. I played with it for a long time, removing and replacing the lens and the back, testing with the backing paper from a roll of film.<br /> <br /> Finally, for no reason I could spot, it worked properly... for 2 rolls. Then the problem came back. In the interim, I have ordered and received an extra back and the 150mm f3.5 lens. Swapping backs and/or lens does not seem to affect the problem.<br /> <br /> So am I holding a defunct body? KEH has them for reasonable prices, but I hate to have to go back to 35mm right in the middle of the fall color season here in Colorado while waiting for delivery.<br /> <br /> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am capable of minor camera work, up to replacing shutter curtains in my FSU 35mm bodies or doing CLA on similar. Does this sound like something that could be easily fixed if I had the service manual?<br /> <br /> When this problem occurred again this a.m., I had just pressed the shutter button. The mirror came up, but shutter did not fire. By manipulating the multi-exposure lever, I did get the mirror back down, but as I wound the crank, the film advanced all the way. However the counter did NOT change from its position (9) as the film advanced.<br /> <br /> As I turn the crank now, on each revolution there is a bit of resistance in one spot, then it spins freely until it comes back to that spot. I checked, and at that spot of resistance, the ring on the inside of the lens mount (with the post w/ the green dot) shifts slightly clockwise then drops back to the proper position. The lens pins are fully in the cocked position. BTW, the battery is in correctly, and is brand new. HTH</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.<br /> <br /> Tim</p>

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<p>I'm thinking the issue is in the multi-exposure function. </p>

<p>My suggestion, if you haven't done this already, is to remove the the back so you can look through the lens from the rear. Obviously, set the shutter to bulb or something that will keep the shutter open long enough for you to see what's going on. Wind to cock, then fire. If the body believes that the multi-exposure is engaged the mirror will just kind of wobble as you do this and never reset. You can wind on forever. When the multi exposure is not engaged it will work the way you expect it to. If you see no difference... voila. Multi-exposure mechanicals are out of whack.</p>

<p>The only thing the battery does is set shutter speed. When the battery is dead the shutter will still fire, it just fires at 1/500 all the time. If you have a metered prism finder, then the battery powers the meter. Be warned- if you have a metered prism, take it off the camera when you are not shooting. If you leave the meter knob turned on it will draw on the battery continuously. There is no auto-off. If you take the metered prism off each time you stow the camera your battery will last a good long time.</p>

<p>I don't know how much time and effort I'd put into repair. I would get another body and use this one for parts. </p>

<p>I'm anxious to hear what you come up with.</p>

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<p>Thanks for the responses, guys.</p>

<p>Jeff, Tamron or KEH for repairs? Hardly. KEH has a body in bargain condition as low as $45 + shipping. My only send-it-off-for-repair experience was with a Pentax lens that Pentax repaired under warranty. I lost the use of the lens for 8 weeks. This two weeks is the peak of the fall color season here in Colorado, and I was really hoping to make good use of the ETR for that.<br>

John, thanks for the detailed response, but you missed one important thing. The shutter will not fire at all, so no way to run the tests you suggested. As I have only the WLF, the advice about the prism is moot, though I'll keep it in mind if/when I do purchase a prism.<br>

I think what I will do is bite the bullet and order a body. I'll lose a week while it's delivered (can't afford overnight!), but I can trust KEH's evaluations, as I've ordered from them previously and always been satisfied.<br>

Thanks again.<br>


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<p>Just an update: Received an ERTS body today from KEH and connected all the bits. Ran my test roll (backing paper only) through it 4-5 times and everything functions perfectly. So I'm off now to try to capture the end of the fall color here in Colorado. I'll post a few later. One of these days, I'll invest in a service manual and open up the non-working body. Who knows, I may be able to salvage it and have a backup body. Thanks again for the suggestions.</p>


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