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Slow 40D continuous shooting + 9/11


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<p>I used my 40D today together with my 7D to take photos of the Australian leg of the World Rally Championships being held literally 30 minutes from my front door. It was my first rally and I decided to set up both cameras with AI Servo AF and high speed continuous shooting of Fine JPEGs. One camera had a 24-105L and the other a 70-200 f/2.8 IS L. I would sometimes swap the lenses between cameras with the 7D being my primary shooter. The 7D performed flawlessly, following the action and churning out 8 fps for as long as I wanted to. </p>

<p>The 40D, however, followed the action OK but only shot 6 or 7 frames at 6 fps or so before slowing down to "slow speed"continuous shooting. I must admit that I'm not a machine gunner and have never really used high speed continuous shooting before, hence my disappointment with the 40D's performance - the buffer should be good for more shots than 6 or 7 - the specs say 70. And yes, I've tried fast cards (shouldn't affect the buffer that much). Any ideas?</p>

<p>BTW to those of you in the USofA - as I write this I'm watching a documentary on the building of the new Trade Centre (sorry Center) and 9/11 (11/9 in Oz) memorial. I remember the events vividly - it was night in Oz and I was asleep. For some reason my wife was up and turned on the TV and saw the news. She woke me up, in tears and dragged me out to the lounge room (sorry, living room) to see the events on the TV. I didn't go back to sleep that night and couldn't function at work the next day as we all huddled around the TV watching events unfold.</p>

<p>So congratulations on the new building and memorial, I'm glad you rebuilt. My personal view is that terrorism and evil will never prevail in the end. Just don't call the place Ground Zero anymore.</p>

<p>Cheers, Bob</p>

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<p>My first thought is that you should do a factory reset on the 40d and wipe all it's C.Fn s also make sure youre only shooting JPEGS (or raws) not both simultaneously, there are several software functions that will slow down your burst buffer capacity dramatically. also ensure you are shooting at as low an iso as possible.</p>

<p>As far as your second note mentions, it's unfortunate you are wrong. Terrorism did prevail, though not through their own actions. From an American perspective, they completely succeeded in any realistic goals they had. They fundamentally altered American society. They used <em>our</em> overreactions to spread terroism to a dozen countries or more. <em>We</em> (or our interventions) have killed 50x as many civilians as they killed in the attacks since the attacks. <br>

In a nutshell, they completely succeeded, <em>not</em> because they did everything right, but because we allowed ourselves to respond with fear and a complete rejection of rational thought -- and did everything wrong. 2 wars (1 still going), restricted civil rights, fear mongoring... the list goes on. They are crazy fanatics... we have no such convenient excuses.</p>

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<p>Marcus - like in the wild west, there ain't too many horses to steal, but there are many, many people to hang... I happened to be a few miles away from the Pentagon on 9/11 and today, 10 years later, as I was taking off from Reagan National, I could see the Pentagon and the gathering crowd from the air.  And while flying  I could watch the broadcast from NYC on live TV  which was both surreal and unbeliveably sad. All this hit way too close to home!<br>

(And to make it Canon forum friendly, my photo bag was ruthlessly pawed and tested for explosives a few times by the TSA folks...a long process, one can stuff a lot of Canon Equipment in Urban Disguise 60.)</p>

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