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Fabulous free online class on business end of photography Sept 9-10


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<p>Hi All,</p>

<p>I stumbled upon the creative live courses and today and tomorrow there is one on the business end of thing. It's REALLY helpful. If you missed the beginning it will replay again tonight. I can't believe this stuff is free and you can log in and submit questions to be asked to the speaker as well. If you are interested check it out here: <a title="http://www.creativelive.com/courses/taking-care-business-tamara-lackey/" rel="nofollow" href="http://t.co/5W94kc8" target="_blank">http://cr8.lv/tamarabiz</a></p>

<p>Hope it helps you as much as it is helping me!</p>


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<p>I'm afraid I cannot share your enthusiasm. I was looking forward to the very talented Tamara Lackey's presentation but I struggled to gain anything from it - simply because the speed and variable pitch of her delivery left me several sentences behind and struggling to catch up with what was being said at times. I appreciate American speech is often much faster than that in the UK, but both my assistant and I honestly couldn't understand a large portion of what she said. A shame, as I'm sure it was good stuff. </p>
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