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<p> Hello: I've enclosed an cropped image of a young lady model's eyes. Her full portrait is very attractive except for the slight eye droop. I'd like to fix it but as I'm new to retouching (but do have PS5 and a Wacom...all the bells and whistles..) I'm not sure<em> where</em> to retouch. I assume I'd use liquify, but the more I look at the eyes the more I'm not sure exactly<em> where</em> to 'liquify. Should I push up the lid a bit? Or make the pupil larger. I don't think I can copy the other eye as the light is different.<br>

Any advise appreciated. Tanks for your time.<br>

Jim C.</p>


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<p>another common technique is to select the 'good' eye only, put it on a layer, flip it horizontally and replace the bad eye by covering it (with tasteful erasing/blending). Since there is no image attached, it's impossible to say if that is workable for this image.</p>

<p>Liquify requires a bunch of trial/error and experience to get good results from. Play with it.</p>

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<p>Look closely at the instructions.<br /> Resize the file so its <em>maximum</em> dimension is 700 pixels.<br /> Save as a jpg format file (if you're using an editor that has it, "save for web" works nicely)</p>

<p>Then after posting the text part of your message - confirm it, and a dialog box comes up for posting an image.<br /> browse to find your small (700 max) jpg, click on it to choose it - put a caption on it, post and<br /> you have a post.</p>

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