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Possible to make Bridge CS5 web gallery play automatically?

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<p>I'm working on programming a website for myself. I love the polished look of Adobe Bridge web galleries. In the programming, I've been using a DIV with an iframe inside it, then using navigation bar links to load the web galleries into the iframe. My problem is that I want to have the web gallery begin playing automatically once it is loaded, instead of forcing the viewer to press the play button. Does anyone know about html programming enough to help me? Is there a way to do this, or do I have to look into something like java in order to have a photo gallery that plays automatically?</p>
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<p>David, I googled a bit <Adobe bridge autoplay OR autostart> and found a number of people asking the same question. Alas, at least where I looked, nobody provided any answers!</p>

<p>You might want to take a look at jAlbum, a free program which offers an enormous array of gallery styles just as polished as Bridge does. At least some of them (e.g., Galleria) offer galleries with autostart options.</p>

<p>I've also used javascript. For some purposes I rather like DynamicDrive's Ultimate Fade-in Slideshow. (Googling will turn up DynamicDrive's page with the code.)</p>

<p>Whatever route you take, good luck!</p>

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