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Nikon D70 - battery grip


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<p>I try to buy a battery grip for my D70 but am unable to find one (neither new nor used) anywhere. I tried ebay (no luck), general google inquiries, shops ... but no luck. All I found was ONE grip on amazon.com but they unfortunately dont send to Czech Republic I am from. Could you point me somewhere I might be able to find the grip? On the forums I learned the one to go for is probably Harbortronics VG-D70 but I guess any grip of at least moderate build quality would be OK. I dont expect I would use the vertical shutter as there are no dials around.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>


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<p>D70 was not built to accept a vertical hand grip, and has no interface for it.</p>

<p>Some 3rd party grips were designed utilizing camera IR remote trigger sensor.<br>

An optical link was directing flash of IR signal into the sensor. There was need for an oprtical tube/link runing outside of camera body from the grip to the top of camera into the IR receiving sensor.<br>

There camera had to be set into remote IR triggering mode. Antire grip setup, and the picture taking method was much too cumbersome to be usefull.</p>


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<p>Frank: Thanks, but I know. Thats why I wrote "I dont expect I would use the vertical shutter as there are no dials around." Im just trying to get the grip to double the battery time and to improve the cameras handling with larger lens.</p>

<p>SO, PLEASE - all I try to find out is WHERE to buy a battery grip for NIKON D70. New or used, doesnt matter. But either way, the shop or seller must be posting to Czech Republic ...</p>

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<p>There were grips for D70 without dials. Dials are for changing exposure parameters, and are not to trigger the camera shutter. Simple press button on the grip worked in vertical position or horizontal and dials were not needed.</p>

<p>Perhaps all grips ever made for D70 were to trigger shutter vertically or horizontally, prefocus and take the picture.</p>

<p>I do not think there was a grip that would just feed DC voltage to D70 external power socket.</p>

<p>However, if you find a box that would hold batteries, you could possibly attach it via tripod socket, and route the DC power cable from your battery holder to the camera external power connector, providing that the voltage level and polarity is correct.</p>

<p>Those devices were not popular and disappered by natural cause. Perhaps you will not find one in a store, but eBay, or similar places you could possibly find a used one.<br>

Good Luck!</p>

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