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Anybody know how to create this look or a preset?

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<p><strong>@Lorne.</strong> I never take for granted that what i read on the net is 100% true. I'm the type of guy who always have doubt about everything i read if i didn't try it or test it myself. Since i don't know you, i cant say if the comment you write was really hers or yours.. and since i cant verify it, this is why i say *if they are from her* meaning that in the back of my mind the comment can also be from you and i have to stay caution of what i say about the original photog .. I find it strange that you report that she fell that Lr was a limited tool, then i offer argument about it.. then you re post something from her with my argument or similar to it.. i find that strange and this is why i suspect the comment was not from her.. Could have been from someone who try to add oil onto the fire, like many PC troll like to do on a mac discussion (mac troll exist also of course) You feel offended because i didn't believe you? sorry ..those things can append on public forum. This is why you need to be careful when you post the answer from someone else that is not here to fully explain her / his taught.. as for the chill pill.. i take enough pill per day already without feeling the need to add a extra one to the mix ; )</p>


<p><strong>@Lena</strong>. Thanks for taking the time to join us. And thanks for the time to explain your image .. as i suspect from my first post, i didn't see either the use of a special plugin.. as a retoucher myself, im use to spot easily the use of those plugin. You seem to know what you are doing as a photographer.. but seem to also lack of serious knowledge in post regarding Lightroom. Im not gonna repeat all i say about the software, but i suggest you have a real look at the beast before making assumption..; Ligthroom is a more robust, efficient, faster tool than Bridge + acr (witch in a way can accomplish most of what Lightroom can but in a different slower manner).</p>

<p>Lightroom / Aperture / C1Pro are toos create for Photographer by Photographer (well at least Lr is), and use by zillion of user, amateur or pro.. including myself as a pro retoucher.. and weekend photographer ; )</p>

<p>If it was a limited software, do you think pro around the globe would use it? Do you think photographer you respect will use it and talk about it in the workshop?</p>

<p>Not because you dont know it, or dont feel comfortable working with it that mean the software is a limited tool... i suggest you go to lynda.com and have a 8hre crash course .. and you should quickly realize how strong is it and how was that possible as a wedding photographer that you didtn use it before today ; )</p>

<p>of course whe all have our good or bad habit, and learning a new software could be challenging.. but if you are already working with ACR, the function in Lightroom are exactly the same.. just present in a more user friendly and more slick visual.</p>

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<p>Who cares what she knows about Lightromm, Bridge, Capture One, etc, etc, etc....she gets the results and that is what matters. It is pretty much the same color I get from using Pro Neg films other than the small areas of blown highlights...which by the way, don't dtract from the image at all. People spend far too much time worrying about craming every bit of DR fromt eh capture to the print. </p>
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<p>If you do not happen to get it right in camera you can:</p>


<li>crank brightness up, increase contrast</li>

<li>add some fill light</li>

<li>use exposure to compensate if photo becomes too light</li>


<p>White balance plays critical role, adjustment makes the picture look funny if it is "off".<br>

But basically getting this (or any) look is much about light. Not even about exposing correctly in camera, but knowing when to shoot (as others have stated already).<br>

If I would strive regularly some look I would make custom camera profile for it. </p>



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