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Olympus Vr 310 lens scratches

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<p>Hi everybody, I've got a problem with my Olympus p&s camera. One month ago I purchased a VR310 little cheap camera that I payed 134€ for.<br /> Immediately I found some scratches on the front element lens so I changed the camera immediately. At the store I tried five different VR310 and ALL of them had some defects on the lens (coating, lines, etc...) so I took the one that seems at the time perfect.<br /> Now, a month later, I've just discovered that also my exchanged VR310 had some scratches (?) this time on the internal lens element instead!<br /> I've tried to take photos with the sun directly shining on the lens, at different angles, but so far I've not noticed any reflections or artifacts on the pictures.<br /> Now, in Europe Olympus has only a repair center in Portugal as far as I know so sending the camera off to repair will take at least two months. And I'm worring that they at Olympus will repair the camera and not change it with a new one.<br /> Repairing the camera will imply some risks: for example taking the lens module off and putting in a new one will expose the sensor to the air and dust can be collected on it. So if I'm not lucky enough I will get a camera with a maybe perfect lens but with dust on the sensor.<br>

These cheap p&s camera are also disposable in the sense that they're not like film cameras where repairing them was always worthwhile. A broken p&s digital camera is destined to the trash bin 99 times out of 100. Maybe should I put it into perspective and not to worry too much about the lens defects?<br>

I'm just not sure on what to do.</p>

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