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Portrait lighting


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<p>My very nice model agreed to help me again this weekend to practice.<br>

My problem is finding a photo that i can try to emulate to learn - Inspiration to imitate :)<br>

I am looking for photos of Indian Women from great photographers that i can learn from and try to recreate.<br>

Any ideas.<br>

I tried searching in google for photos of movie actresses, but most of the photos seem to be long shots and look more like they are shots pulled from videos or photos at events. I am looking for posed shots with beautiful lighting and cant seem to find many of them.<br>

I tried looking at stores selling jewelery and the problem is that most of them tend to emphasize the jewelery by actually posing to disengage the viewer from the model - absolutely no eye contact and the lighting is on the jewelery.<br>

I tried looking at stores selling clothes (Indian clothes) and the problem is most of the shots are full body or 3/4 length portraits. I am looking for a more head and shoulder shots to learn right now.</p>

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