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Thoughts on new lens

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<p>Panasonic TS3/FT3 or the Canon D10. Depends on what type of mountaineering you'll be doing and what your primary purpose is. Be sure to be clipped in and don't drop that 5D on someone's head. The E-P2 is better but get something to save the lenscap (assuming you're using the ugly kit lens).</p>

<p>Get off the beaten track and one realizes why the M9 sells for what it does... I wish...</p>

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<p>Given your lens choices and your mountaineering, I assume that you like taking scenic images. If so, the full-frame image of the 5D MkII should be clearly superior to you. If not, then get the lighter camera.<br>

If you're really into IQ and need a lighter load, then the full-frame M9 makes lots of sense.</p>

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<p>The 17-40L has become my most-used lens on my 5D2. For outdoors excursions, it will sit on my camera majority of the time. My Tamron 28-75 is a close second. In your case, I understand the suggestions to consider an advanced P&S, but I would still want the vastly greater control I can employ when shooting SLR. The lens is also relatively light. I would get it.</p>
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