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Nikon Wednesday 2011: #26

Matt Laur

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<p> Some great shots today. Jeannean, Kris, Tom, Jana, David, Richard, Shun, P Watson, Markku, Harvey and. These caught my eye. My visitors from the deep. After a large rain storm this week I caught mommy frog and baby enjoying my pool. Nikon D3, Nikon 105 2.8 AIS, 1/80 ss, F/3.2, ISO 320<br /></p><div>00Yxqw-374247584.jpg.2cdaf5d485557d10396b7b4d87e7f0bd.jpg</div>
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<p>As always, favorite morning of the week. Compliments in particular to Caillum, Mikhail and Aguinaldo. Really enjoyed the nature shots this week.<br>

Mine is about as urban as it gets, looking up at Leadenhall Market in London, UK. Had the pleasure of spending a Saturday there by myself, just me and my trusty D90.</p><div>00YxrT-374257684.jpg.a469aa638b608601d9c4afe0100abd82.jpg</div>

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<p>In Dec of 1966 I purchased a Eurorail pass and embarked on a 4 week tour beginning here in Amsterdam. Most details of this trip have been lost in the mists of time: I don't know why I took this particular image. I remember staying in a fifth floor guest room in a home facing a canal. Perhaps this is nearby. The weather was typically dark and stormy as shown here although the Christmas decorations in the city made evenings seem more cheerful. In the full resolution image I was able to read the sign under the clock ("Rondvaart door havens en grachten") which the Google translater rendered as "by cruise ports and canals". Using this clue I located this site on Rokin Street at Taksteeg looking toward Grimburgwal. The Google street view allows a close up examination of these structures as they appear today. Not much changed except for the businesses e.g. the "Antiek" shop now sells "Souvenirs" and the "Millshop" is now "The Mill" and deals in diamonds. The Coiffeur has been replaced by a cafe.<br />For this trip I carried a Nikon F (for Black & White) and a Nikkormat (for Kodachrome slides). I had four lenses -- two 50mm 1.4, the 35mm 2.8 and the 130mm 2.8. The slides were often stored in abysmal conditions with high heat and humidity over the next 45 years. I used a Coolscan 4000 scanner to digitize them this week. Fortunately not much fungus infection, but the colors had shifted badly so the ROC correction was invaluable in restoring the images.</p><div>00YxsE-374273584.jpg.5c8f2bfd2af8edb388757122e42f26f5.jpg</div>
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<p>Good morning, I was sipping my Sunday morning coffee in the garden when a new butterfly flitted in to the lavender - a fast mover so I wanted to get an image so I could identify it. The next five minutes were an adventure in focus hunting and VR and I thought the 70-300 was going to thrash itself to death in my hand while I chased the constantly-moving butterfly. Here's on of a couple of shots where the framing and focus were OK.</p><div>00Yxsj-374283584.jpg.881559701c5e959c7e03fed92a3cf94f.jpg</div>
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<p>Another great week! I'm looking forward to spending time looking at all the beautiful entries later today.</p>

<p>Our stalk of maize continues to grow along the bike trail. I went out last night and tried a few more pictures. </p>

<p> </p><div>00Yxtm-374307584.jpg.0f158fae697dbd2f1c2955e897c987d6.jpg</div>

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<p>Good Morning All. Continuing with my flower theme, this is a different view of the same irises, that I posted lat week. I really like the composition and wanted to print an enlargement of it, but unfortunately I inadvertently shot it at iso 1000 and so the noise level is way out of control.</p><div>00Yxu4-374325584.JPG.6ec2ce0f0ca375d6065be58b8bfdd381.JPG</div>
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