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Okay for a Guest to post images on Facebook before the hired photographer does?


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<p>I haven't posted in a while so let me jump in here and alienate some people. :)</p>

<p>I think that letting the debate go down the path of "image quality" and "social media rules" is way off base. It's not about that.</p>

<p>If I were the hired photographer and a fellow pro posted images on Facebook before the Bride and Groom had seen mine, I can't say how I would react. Are they table shots of friends or are they artistic images shot in the style of a pro wedding photographer? I might be ticked, I might not care.</p>


<p>If I were the hired pro and there was another photographer at the wedding who intentionaly kept his images from the Bride and Groom until they had seen mine in an effort to not mute the impact of my viewing, I can tell you exactly how I would react: <em>I would gain respect for that guy</em>. Even if I didn't care whether or not he posted, I would respect the fact that he took steps to make sure he didn't annoy me. The next time I had a double-booking, that guy would be at the top of my list for the referral.</p>

<p>That's all you need to know about what the right decision is in that situation.</p>

<p>(Actually, that photographer would be second on my list for the referral. The guy at the top of the list would be the one who didn't bring a camera to the wedding at all. :)</p>

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<p>You should not be concerned Tolik,</p>

<p>As a hired photographer, I make it a POINT to go right home after my 12 hour day, upload my cards, and do a rough pick of 4-5 "preview." images taken throughout the day. I edit them in lightroom, making sure that the edits are as strong as my delivered final product. <br>

It is inevitable that guests are going to put their photos up ASAP from a wedding. Digital is too fast, too easy not to.</p>

<p>So, why not do the same? I put up a 5 shot preview, tag the bride and groom and they LOVE it every time. They get to have an immediate product, and it just gets them more excited about the final product. <br>

As an added bonus, all guests that upload and tag their own photos from the day now have to compare the hired shots versus the guests shots, and chances are I posted mine hours before they did. You get more praise, more discussion, and a better response, in my experience than holding off two to three weeks to deliver your images.</p>

<p>Facebook is a fast paced, nearly instant world. You need to be the same if you are a pro. As a guest, you did exactly what you should have done; you posted your photos in a flurry because you were excited to be there and you wanted to share. </p>


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