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Nikon Wednesday 2011: #23

Matt Laur

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<p>@<a name="00Yr1W"></a><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=2186708">Tony Hadley</a> - great flower shot.<br>

@<a name="00Yr3J"></a><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5189670">Jeannean .</a> - That's a really great bird shot you have there.<br>

Well here is mine for the week. Nikon D700 + Nikon 105mm macro D. Natural light.</p><div>00Yr5b-367159584.jpg.e52d15f6661eedb1e76200187a727a88.jpg</div>

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<p>Good Morning Wednesday :)</p>

<p>My submission is from Memorial Day weekend visit to the Zoo. This Peacock was really smart in attracting the visitor by his high pitch sound and he was kept near the entrance of the zoo. I was hoping to get a nice picture of elongated tail i.e. feathers opened but didn't get a chance to see that.</p>

<p>Shot with Nikon D90 + Nikon 70-300mm VR using Aperture mode @ f/8 1/160 ISO 400</p>

<p><img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-JqETeShTgpg/Te7PU0wWOZI/AAAAAAAACDE/HcUwSpok2PA/s800/RG_20110529_DSC_4656_web.jpg" alt="" /><br /></p>

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<p>Great pics, as usual. This shot I got over the weekend was a real 'grab & go' shot. This old mill sits on a busy four lane highway, so it was jump out, get a few shots and go. I was surprised that the large raw image actually exhibits pretty decent sharpness, which is lost here.</p><div>00Yr5q-367163584.jpg.7c53701954f5d06fb7deaa3342da0e6c.jpg</div>
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<p>Spring returned for a few days (we're now in our second Summer) so a walk in the woods was called for. Found this little guy in a small sun-dappled clearing. The doe had "placed" him and he wasn't moving a muscle other than an eye-blink or two watching us. I didn't get too close so as not to stress him (or her). D700 24-85 at 85.</p>
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<p>Hey folks...great stuff here again, especially <strong>Matt, David, Rick, Tim, James.</strong> </p>

<p>This shot is from a Retune Nashville benefit show, to raise money for musicians affected by the great flood of 2010. This is Joe Robinson, an amazing young player from Australia.</p><div>00Yr7W-367201584.jpg.2b8a3bfdcc467f47d979bcc36f9cde59.jpg</div>

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<p><br /><br /><br>

St. Thomas the Apostle, Hollywood. D700, 14 mm. I photographed this church some time ago, but keep coming back to reprocess the original images. The church is on a busy Hollywood street tucked away in an obscure residential neighborhood. The exterior is interesting, but unremarkable. Inside is another story. The interior is relatively small and constructed of rough-dressed stone. The English-gothic architecture and stonework give the impression of a much larger space. The thick walls shield the interior from the hustle and commotion of the city. The space is quiet, contemplative, inspirational. It is a sanctuary, a sacred space in a city that desperately needs such places. I keep trying to create images that capture the light and feeling of the place. This is my latest attempt.</p><div>00Yr7d-367203584.jpg.09f964ccb0ca417a2c1a257cbe8318db.jpg</div>

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<p>Good Morning/afternoon/evening to all! Another Nikon Wednesday is unfolding with fun and interesting shots from around the world. I saw these flowers a few weeks ago and thought they looked so much like a firework going off, that I had to go back and try to capture that impression.</p><div>00Yr7o-367205584.JPG.92bc0dce0ccc5988d0e12095e5140300.JPG</div>
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<p>Good Morning/Evening Wednesdayians,<br>

Here is mine from a peaceful rally in DC against Eritrea's 20-year-dictatorship. 'ENOUGH' was the theme of the rally. <br>

shot by:- D300s with Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 AF @ 70mm f/4.5 1/400th Sec ISO400 with Aperture priority.</p><div>00Yr8U-367211584.jpg.0dee4167965c153d07903b049f6ebbcc.jpg</div>

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<p>Mine is of a young Red Shouldered Hawk. I have been watching the parents since their courtship in February, and watching the nest as the mother incubated the eggs, and as the two young emerged. This past week, they started to try flying. Here is one of the young, a few trees over from the nest. It's sibling was still not as confident at the time, and remained nest-bound (for now). No food on my part to get the image, but I could hear the parents calling in the distance as they were on the hunt.</p><div>00Yr8c-367215584.jpg.20befc078aa67b09086dbece0c57f755.jpg</div>
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