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where I can buy new meter for Rolleiflex 3.5F


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<p>try finding a camera repair place that can take the Rollei. previously, you could get service by contacting the company that built it (they offered service for any of the cameras they had built). BUT, the camera is a rollei model, but the rollei medium format cameras are made by Franke & Heideke. which just closed recently (sadly.) your best chance is to find a place capable of servicing the rollei. they should be able to fix the meter no problem.</p>
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<p>David, if you're in the US near the west coast, contact Harry Fleenor in California:</p>

<p>310 374 6506 - email - <a href="mailto:harry@rolleirepairs.com">harry@rolleirepairs.com</a></p>

<p>He's supposed to be the best in the west, and my 3.5F Planar is headed to his shop for a CLA as soon as I can stop using it...<br /></p>

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<p>David, you might just need to reset the meter. I have the same camera, thought the meter didn't work, but reset it and it has worked fine since.<br /> You have to set the aperture to 22, the shutter speed to 500, asa 12, and filter factor 0... i think.YOu do this after removing the meter, turn a screw that will align the needle with the red mark, and screw it back on.<br /> Of course I am recalling from memory. The process is outlined in the manual.</p>
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<p>Harry Fleenor just overhauled my 3.5F. The meter is defunct. He says that he has no selenium cells or meter parts. Since these cameras are aging, inevitably ALL of the selenium cells will die. BTW, Harry did a great job of overhauling this camera. It is as smooth as my Leica M7 and Nikon F3 to operate.</p>

<p>The last maker of selenium cells was Metrawatt in the UK, but they closed shop about 3 years ago. Some repair persons, such as Henry Scherer did acquire a large quantity of their remaining stock. Henry was able to replace the selenium cells of my Zeiss Super Ikonta BX and the Contessa with brand new ones. However, I don't think that he works on Rollei. As it is, Henry says that when his supply of selenium cells are gone, that is it.</p>

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  • 4 weeks later...
Gossen Metrawatt still exists, though.<br>Gossen, the well known maker of exposure meters (and probably who made the meter for Rollei in the first place) is part of that group, and may have an asnwer to whether or not the meter is still repairable (info@gossen-photo.de).<br><br>P.S.<br><br>The death of Selenium cells isn't as inevitable as is made out to be. They do not age, and will keep on working forever, provided the seal (they are sealed in glass) isn't broken. Corrosion of the leads that come through the glass is what typically cracks the glass and breaks the seal. So keep that from happening, and Selenium cells will outlive any one of us.
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