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Squeaky autofocus on AF-S 17-35mm 2.8D


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<p>Hey, all.</p>

<p>So I popped a new AF-S 17-35mm on my F5 yesterday and found that there is a rather loud squeak that occurs when the lens is autofocusing. Otherwise, the lens performs fast and flawlessly. Do you think this is a problem w/ my specific lens, or was this common in the 17-35? What do you think the issue might be? Lubrication?<br>



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<p>A squeak isn't unique to the 17-35. Other AFS lenses exhibit this sound. But you say 'rather loud'. Hard to get a sense for exactly what that means...like card-tricks over the phone.</p>

<p>Answers will run the gamut from 'drop what you're doing and return it this very minute' to 'it happens...my lens squeaked: a) for years and it was fine...b) right out of the box and it was fine, etc'. My 28-70/2.8 would squeak after sitting idle for weeks but after a few near/far cycles of the AF motor, the squeak disappeared. Based on my experience with two out of five AFS lenses that squeaked (28-70/2.8 and 80-200/2.8) and that of three friends who also owned and shot for many years with a squeaky lens, I wouldn't get too worried. Yet if you feel the noise is excessively loud or if it just doesn't sit well, return it. I've spoken with a Nikon tech about this issue. His response, in essence: 'the overwhelming majority of lenses that squeak are within spec and will continue to perform flawlessly...stay calm and carry on.'</p>

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<p>Thanks for the responses, folks. When I said "rather loud squeak" I meant for it to be relative to what an AF-S should sound like, which is dead quiet. Objectively it is not that loud, sounding like a fast servo activating, with a duration of under a second. Just enough noise for me to worry, but as it does not sound like anything is terribly amiss, and the lens is focusing perfectly, it is probably "within spec" as Lilly said she was told by a Nikon rep. Oddly, it does not dissipate after a few full range focusings as some of you experience. Nonetheless, I feel a bit better now, seeing as it is a relatively common phenomenon. I'll just carry on until something does happen.</p>



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<p>I just bought a mint-condition used 17-35/2.8AFS and it too squeeks when making large focus adjustments. So far it seems to be fast and accurate. The more I use it during the day the less it squeaks.</p>

<p>Someone just a few weeks ago over a FredMiranda had his 17-35AFS AF motor replaced + a CLA and it cost him $350 at Nikon El Segundo. I may do mine just to get it over with. They now have a newer motor that they replace the original one with that does not develop the squeak.</p>


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<p>I have to say I have never heard mine 'squeak' as such. There is a distinctive focus noise but it I couldn't described it as anything high pitched.<br>

If it focuses probably best to leave alone unless you are actively using it in a situation where it costs you more than the cost of the repair if it breaks. <br>


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<p>Mine also had a squeak, I sent it to Nikon for repair, they "repaired" the lens, charged me several hundred dollars, it still squeaks. I've concluded after reading all the blogs that this appears to be the normal condition.</p>


<p>I've read several reports of the same thing happening with the original replacement motors - the same motor that came with the lens - still squeaking after replacement.<br>

Nikon now has a different/new/updated motor that supposedly does not develop the squeak.</p>

<p>I'm on the fence with my copy of this lens - do I just let is squeak until it (maybe) stops working, or do I just get it fixed along with a CLA by Nikon - it will be worth more if I sell it due to the lack of squeak and newer motor. $350? Man Nikon should fix all of them for nothing.</p>


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<p>Yes, I too have read many people's comments that they've been going many years with the squeak without an AF failure, several who've had the AF motor replaced and the squeak came back, others the squeak went away and never came back after the AF motor was replaced, while just a few have reported a failure after it started squeaking.<br>

I think I'm going to sit tight for a while and maybe sometime in the next couple of years send it off the Nikon for AF motor replacement. I'm still pretty new with my copy (got it used) so I'll see if it needs any other maintenance, and if so, send it in for an AF motor replacement then.<br>

As long as the AF is working fine why mess with it - that's certainly a valid way to go.</p>


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<p>Get it checked out if its still under warranty. I have an early version of the lens and after a number of years it screeched and had a high pitched sound when autofocussing. Took it into the local dealer and he said it had to go back to Japan! They couldn't take it apart in my country (New Zealand) for checking (don't know why)<br>

Anyway to make a long story short, the AF-S mechanism was broken and had to get it replaced. It cost me about $1000NZD!!! ($807 USD going by todays exchange rate) for fixing and freight etc. <br>

I was not impressed. Still it was either fixing it or using the lens in manual mode, and I didn't buy it for manual mode!<br>

So the lens sits in my wardrobe for the time being...<br>

IMO, insist upon it getting fixed or a replacement lens (if thats possible), especially if its still under warranty.<br>

Like some of the writers say, I reckon Nikon should have coughed up and replaced all the AF-S mechanisms for free (especially as though it seems to be common problem-design fault?) but we know that won't happen...<br>


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