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urgently in need of a detent disk for a kiwi pan head


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<p>Hello, My name is Megan Griffith and I am a photo major at Santa Monica College I recently had a panoramic shooting assignment in school and we were able to check out the schools kiwi pan head, unfortunatley one of the bolts wernt tightened enough and it came apart while i was at a shoot and i attempted to put it back togather but somewhere along the way a piece got lost.. and my instructor informed me that that particular piece is what makes it work and they no longer make the head..and i am barley making ends meet right now...i just thought id see if anyone one here might know where i can find a detent disk for a kiwi pan head or mabey some good leads for finding it?? Thank you for your time i really appreciate it, Megan</p>
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<p>Ouch. Kaidan, the folks who made the Kiwi, have been out of business for 4 years, and people who have a Kaidan are always looking for more detent discs, not selling them.</p>

<p>I would post on one of the big panorama forums, like <a href="http://www.panoguide.com/">PanoGuide</a> or <a href="http://www.tawbaware.com/forum2/">Max Lyons forum</a> and mention which Kiwi it is, because the 200 series and 900 series use different detent discs. I saw someone on one of the forums maybe a year ago saying he was making and selling them.</p>

<p>Good luck to you, Megan.</p>

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