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What's the best way to get rid of darker edges in photos of artwork?

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<p>I took a photo of a large artwork where the lighting was not adequate. As a result, a couple of edges on one side are slightly darker than the main part of the photo, somewhat distorting the colors. Is there a good way in Photoshop CS5 to correct this? Thanks.</p>
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<p>maybe a bit of dodging on an overlay layer or some adjustment layer (curve, exposure, HSL) w/ a gradient mask or built-up mask as needed</p>

<p>Kinda hard to tell what is needed w/o seeing the image in question.</p>

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<p>I found that the gradient tool in Lightroom does this sort of thing very well if it's one sided. You can even dial in some color correction. Otherwise you can use the de-vignetting tool as mentioned above.</p>
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