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Summilux 35mm ASPH Titanium value?

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<p>I've either got a rough handle on or can look around forums to check value of most Leica lenses, but titanium ones are an enigma to me. Does anyone know what they're roughly worth in addition to a typical lens? I want to say 35mm Summilux ASPH (but not 6-bit coded) lenses would run around 3k, but what's the premium on it being titanium? I've got a local option to buy but don't want to overpay or under offer. And for that matter, how big's the resale market if I decide I don't like it better than my 35mm cron?</p>
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<p>Well the urgency's over-the craigslist seller didn't find the need to send me pictures as it was a 'new' lens. Of course, it wasn't 6-bit coded, which would put it at 2006 or earlier, so I was a bit skeptical. In any case, he sold it because I didn't have a chance to get there last night, but I'm still curious of the relative additional value on a titanium lens if anyone's got some idea or rule of thumb...</p>
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<p>For the most part, titanium lenses are plated on brass just like chrome and black paint lenses, so they’re about 30% heavier compared to black chrome (aluminum). As to what it’s worth, I don’t mean to be flippant about it, but it’s worth whatever you’re willing to pay for it. It is most definitely a seller’s market right now - Leica lenses (new or used) are very hard to come by in any finish. </p>

<p>However, IMHO, the fact it’s titanium doesn’t add one penny to its value. The titanium finish really only really works with titanium – most definitely not with silver – maybe with black. If, however, you don’t care what it looks like, the 35mm Asph Summilux is a wonderful lens. Keep in mind it was reformulated due to focus shift issues on the M8/9 cameras. The new version is $5,000 (if you can find one).</p>

<p>I believe I’ve already said it, but I wouldn’t pay a dime more for it than what you would pay for one in black (I would say ~$3,500). If the seller wants to hold out for a higher price, he will have to wait for that one guy with a titanium M6 who just has to have that lens to match it - that's what I would tell him anyway. </p>

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