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<p>I am on vacation in beautiful Italy and first my lens breaks-I have back ups but not happy since this was my walk arounfd zoom but now I forgot to bring my card reader. So I have my computer and external harddrive to back up my photos on 7D and G12 but forgot my CARD READER. I am leaving Venice to Florence-any shops in Florence †hat someone knows to but a card reader. I assume must be a lot of shops but thought soemone can guide me so I can get one fast. Thanks</p>


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<p>Are you unable to tether the cameras directly to the computer, and bypass the use of a card reader? I prefer a card reader, but in a pinch there's nothing wrong with using the camera <em>as</em> the card reader. You should just need the USB cable, and Canon's software/drivers on your computer.</p>
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<p>Good idea Matt but I didn't bring an adapter to go from camera to cumputer-wish I did-actually wish I didn't forget the card reader. I have done this tens of times but it is sitting on my desk at home-including the canon usb too. I just need to find a store in florence so I don't spend my day looking. </p>
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<p>I found an electronics shop when I was there and needed an external hard drive. I don't remember exactly where it was, but I'm pretty sure it was toward the north side of town along Viale Giacomo Matteotti. I know it was somewhere along that main loop around the city center.</p>
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