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Lens for travel--!


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I'm looking to buy a lens for my Rebel XT for a trip in Europe this summer. I will be in Italy for 2 months and would love to have a lens that would be good for wide landscapes but also for portraits. I currently just own the SLR body, but I borrowed my friends 50mm/1.4 and liked it for portraits but it seemed to be a little too close up for landscape and other purposes. I currently have her kit lens 18-55 and it is a little more what I'm looking for, but I was wondering if there were any other alternatives that are better and also versatile? I'm a broke college student so looking to pay 250$ max (not a lot to work with, but I'm willing to buy used).<br>



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<p>Dear L Del,<br>

Like Dan mentioned kit lens (18-55 mm) is a good all purpose lens with acceptable picture quality, professional photographers may differ though. You can add another lens to your collection if you can afford 55-250 mm. It is an affordable lens and takes good pictures too. It all depends on your comfort level. When I was in my late teens, I was fascinated with greater zoom coverage, for e.g. 10x, 20 x magnification. I had a film SLR back then. I got my first DSLR last Christmas. Now I am in 30s, I prefer results. I have learnt from experience there is no perfect lens. Some take great pictures at a certain focal length at a particular f-stop and others at other settings. <br>

I use 24-105 mm all the time. It is a great lens for me, but many people don't care much for this lens.<br>



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<p>Within your budget you'll find it hard to find a single lens that is going to give you a wide range of options.</p>

<p>The best bet would probably be an 18-55 & an older EF tele-zoom (say for example a 70-210/4) both can be had, used, for your budget. I see the old 18-55s for $75-100 all the time, and the complementary zoom is probably not much more.</p>

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<p>Look, I've been there and done that. And I carried too much weight. The little 18-55 kit lens will do just fine, as will the 55-250. You can find those on sale or on Craig's list if you look hard for less than retail.<br>

What you will also need is a little netbook and a spare hard drive to keep all the wonderful shots you can get.</p>

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<p>The 18-55mm Kit Lens should be what you need... However, try to get an IS version. Besides having the Image Stabilization capability, that version is better optically. That lens should run you between $65 and $100 USD. The 55-250mm lens makes a nice companion to the 18-55mm. This lens would probably run used from $150-$200.<br>

If you are really on a budget, think about a used Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG APO as your telephoto. You would not have image stabilization but you might be able to get this lens used at a pretty cheap price.<br>


I have not used this lens but have seen some nice write-ups like this one...<br>


However, try to get the 55-250mm IS lens. That would also make a decent portrait lens for you...</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>For $250 you <em>might </em>be able to pick up a used EF-S 17-85. I often see them go on eBay for around $300. Its a very versatile lens and is worth considering. I have one and use it a lot on my XTi/400D. </p>

<p>The two IS kit lenses are good value as well. I use the 18-55IS with my 400D if I really want to travel light and take my 55-250IS is I feel I might need telephoto, all in a reasonably light and compact package. The net book idea is an excellent one too - I never leave home without mine if I'm going on a trip, even for just a weekend.</p>

<p>Cheers, Bob</p>

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