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Nikon FM2, light leaks?

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<p>Hello, i've been getting negatives with a brighter side on some frames. It seems to occur only when i shoot on sunny days, or any place with huge amounts of light. Since i don't shoot that many rolls and i mostly take pictures on rainy, overcast days, it didn't strike me as a problem. And recently i developed my last film roll, and as you see from the photo, the sun is out of the frame. Why is this happening? It even seems to affect the other frames as well.</p><div>00YOfG-339637584.jpg.c888eeaa4086d06e40dd0604470dd425.jpg</div>
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<p>The bright right side could be shutter curtain bounce which causes a little extra exposure to the edge of the film. You apparently hold the camera for verticals so that the right side is down, where the shutter stops closing. Take the camera with sample photos to a repairman.<br>

The sun outside the edge is not unusual, the extreme intensity spot of light bleeds under the film rail. It does not indicate a problem in itself.</p>

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<p>If you have a camera with a vertically traveling shutter speed, think about the shutter speeds you took the uneven shots at. If they are all 1/1000, or whatever the stop shutter speed of your camera is, you need a shutter CLA, because your shutter is "fading" (uneven exposure across it's travel).</p>


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<p>Thanks for the responses, i only wanted to find out if that's normal or not with the sun getting out at times, i won't have to worry about it then. And about the brighter side, come to think of it, it could be that it only happens on a specific shutter speed, probably the fast ones, since on sunny days they are always 1/1000 and up. I'll have to check my negatives, thanks!</p>
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<p>I haven't seen problems with the Nikon shutters I have, but older focal-plane cameras can get stiff and sometimes drag a little until they are loosened up again by some exercise. Some of my oldest Praktica L series showed a little of this when I first shot them until I had loosened them up. They had a metal vertical shutter too, but not the same obviously. A CLA should fix this, but some simple exercise should be tried first if the camera has been sitting for a while.</p>

<p>Was the right side of this one at the top or bottom in the camera as you shot, i.e., at the start or end of shutter travel?</p>

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<p>That's not enough to settle the matter, but I'd still bet that the shutter is not moving equal speed as it exposes the film. Try exercise first and see if the problem goes away, but it may need a shutter adjustment by a service facility.</p>
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