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Using TMAX-RS Developer


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I am attempting to use Kodak's TMAX-RS developer for the first time

with TMAX sheet (4x5) film. When I follow Kodak's instructions for

mixing the chemisty (A and B liquids plus added water), I end up with

1 gallon of developer.


I am going to start with the development times listed in Barnbaum's

book (and deviate from there as needed). In Barnbaum's book, he

suggests diluting TMAX-RS 1:4 and 1:9 (in given cases).


Does any one have an idea of whether Barnbaum is diluting from the

gallon generated from Kodak's instructions or is Barnbaum starting

from another mixed version of TMAX-RS (such as simply mixing the A

and B packets together and then diluting 1:4 or 1:9)?




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The dilution ratio you are talking about whereby you get a gallon of solution from A and B plus water is already 1:4. To get 1:9 just add an equal parts of the 1:4 pre-mix and water.


T Max RS is easy to mix and is a great developer, but mark the date on your bottle as it goes bad relatively quickly. I do not like to use it beyond 30 days from mix. Gerry Russell had a great article in View Camera magazine whereby he recommended diluting the A and B solutions with water and keeping them separate and then mixing them just prior to needing a specific volume. You need another storage bottle, but that is a small price to pay for longer use potential as it is not cheap syrup. I also use distilled water when I mix all of my developing chemistry. Good Luck.

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Robert: I use BTZS tubes to develop 4x5. I mix TMax-RS Parts A and B in the original bottle. I mark the date on the bottle. I have gone up to 10 weeks without seeing any negative effects but I do store the bottle in a cool, dark place. Each BTZS tube uses a little less than 60 ml of developer, so to make 300 ml (6 tubes x 50 ml) I use 30ml of the combined A and B mixture and 270 ml of water. I usually have a little left over but the ease of mixing is worth the samll amount of waste. This also happens to be the exact mix for one 35mm roll in a Petterson Tank. 50 ml of developer + 450 ml of water does a 120 roll.
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I've been using Tmax RS developer in a Jobo with very good results. I

throw away solution B and have seen no problem with the negatives.

I mix it as I use it, 50 cc. of concentrate to 450 cc. of water (1:9). While it may take several months to go through the gray bottle of concentrate, I've seen no change in the negatives using the concentrate stored in the 1/2 used bottle. I've been using Sexton's suggestions for ASA and development times. Interestingly, they produce for me a negative about 1 stop more contrasty than might be appropriate for silver paper but for platinum printing they are perfect, a density range of about 1.4.

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