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Choosing a lens


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Hi. I am new to photo.net and photography. I recently bought Canon

EOS Elan 7e with a EF 28-90mm lens. In two months I am going to

Hawaii and I know that I will have many great photo opportunities

while over there. I want to buy a new lens becuase I know that the

one that I have now will not be enough. I was wondering if you could

give me some advice as to which lens I should get. I would like to

shoot mostly scenic picutres but some closeups as well. Money is not

too big of a concern. Thanks.

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28-135 IS. Unless you really gotta have the extra 8mm down to 20. Perfect travel lens (maybe the 28-105 is a little better). With the IS and 400 film (maybe some NPZ for evening/low light), you probably won't even have to worry about a tripod. Unless you're going there to shoot. If this is a vacation though you'll want to travel unencumbered.
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Hi, I live in Hawaii and think you will do well with either a 28-135 or 28-70. The 28-70 i suggest because my friend just got it, I am trying it out, and it is the BEST mid range zoom in the EOS series so far, second to only the 24-70 which will be released in late november. If you are going for the cheaper lens, then get the 28-135.
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If money is really not an issue, by all means get the 28-70 2.8L (or wait for the 24-70 2.8L for around $1400.00. <BR><BR>


Otherwise, three good choices would be the 28-105 3.5-4.5 (Not the 4.5-5.6), 28-135 IS (both mentioned above), or 24-85. All three of these are reviewed in the equipment reviews here on PHOTO.NET. I own the 24-85 (get the hood, it matters) and am satisfied. I got this lens over the other two because the extra 4mm at the short end was more important than the extra reach of the other two for me. The images have been sharp and contrasty and I am satisfied until I can get the new 24-70 2.8L.

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Try to get 20-35mm f3.5-4.5 or 24mm f2.8. Both could be found used for around $200, both are great for scenics. 20-35zoom is very compact(smaller than 20mm f2.8 fixed-focal) and pretty sharp, but may have some flare problems. 24mm is even smaller(smaller than 50mm f1.8), very well built and really hard to beat opically.
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Don't buy anything: go with what you have. Your current lens has good close-up ability and can do the wide-angle scenics you want. You don't seem to have a clear idea of what you want in another lens, so wait until you do, then consult the folks at photo.net again. Note that taking and _using_ a tripod would make the best improvement to your photography soonest, but may interfere with having a holiday (you didn't say what you were doing in Hawaii and how long you were to be there).
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20-35 f3.5-4.5 ... 28-135 IS ... 70-200 f4

even if money is not a big concern, getting 28-70 L will be too much unless you are a serious amateur or pro.. if your budget allow it, it will be a great lens....

but you can't pass by 28-135 IS... almost every canon users have this lens..

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