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As of today - Panny GF1 owner :)


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<p>Hello all!<br>

I just bought my first m4/3 camera, and I am intending to use it extensively for street and landscape shooting.<br>

The true reason of purchase was access to the 20mm pancake - thus I am considering in the future to upgrade to an Oly E-PL2, depending on the pewrformance of the Panasonic body.<br>

However, whilst still early for in depth opinions, the first impressions are very positive ;)<br>

One thing that I am looking also very much forward to is using some manual lenses with it.</p>

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<p>Congrats on your purchase! I'm pretty sure you will enjoy your GF1. That said, I would doubt if E-PL2 would be really an upgrade. Both cameras share essentially the same image sensors and 20/1.7 is fast enough to mitigate the need of in-body image stabilizer. I would say GH2 is the only sensible way to upgrade within m4/3 system, although YMMV.</p>
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<p>I agree with Akira, the GH-2 is the only upgrade. All others are simply side grades and feature sets. I have just added a GH-1 to my ownership (previously a G-1 owner) and that of course adds features so is an upgrade.</p>

<p>I didn't expect it would subtract from the featureset (which it did ever so slightly)</p>

<p>Unless you simply enjoy spending money on different cameras (I know that feeling) I submit that there will be no substantial improvement on the GF-1 for some years.</p>


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<p>point taken about upgrading. I must say I am so far very pleased with the IQ, I fail to see the color issue mentioned by others (green-ish casts). Anyway, shooting raw is the option when one wants the ultimate quality from a camera. I like very much the AF speed and precision, and the general feel and controls.<br>

What i kinda dislike is the price of the lenses, but sigma will soon offer some (I hope) nice alternatives.</p>

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