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Nikon Wednesday Pic 2011: #8

Matt Laur

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<p>Hello...It's still winter here. Battling a touch of the flue. The wednesday NikPics are all fantastic and reveal amazing creativity! For this weeks contribution I've chosen a picture of a ruined Mill located in southern Ontario Canada, called Rockwood mill. It is located in the Rockwood Forest conservation park. Besides the mill, the park also contains many interesting geological rock formations.</p><div>00YH9Y-334959584.jpg.b5ce07565f4285f187d717b19798d415.jpg</div>
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<p>Another snowstorm on Monday so I spent time at the bench tying flies. This pretty pink fly is tied on a safety pin to be worn decoratively and to promote breast cancer awareness. My local Trout Unlimited Chapter sells these and contributes all proceeds to Casting For Recovery, a national nonprofit that provides free weekend retreats incorporating counseling, educational services, and trained facilitators. All for a good cause!</p>


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<p>Great pictures today.<br>

We have had several very foggy mornings, which usually make for great dew drop opportunities. I found this very small spider web with all these intermingled strands covered in dew. I placed different types of flowers behind the web to see what I could get.<br>

I loved the way the dew drops looked like bubbles rising up. <br>

D300 60mm micro 24 mm extension tube SB900 diffused. Hand focused stacked in PS<br>

<br /><br>



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<p>Amazing pictures as always... Here is my contribution for the week. I recently purchased a Sigma 17-70 w/OS and attached it to my D90. I haven't taken it off in the 2 weeks I've had it. Took a trip to the Butterfly Conservatory in Niagara Falls and found one who wanted to say hello to me.<br>

Shot on D90 w/Sigma 17-70 f2.8-4 OS @70mm ISO 800 1/250s @f4</p><div>00YHAL-334965684.jpg.a47807a32df97615cc82028b6515f655.jpg</div>

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<p>This weekend we went for our monthly gathering with a group of local (and not so local) photographers on a trip to Rupit, a small town in the mountains, but where they don't call them Pyrenees yet.</p>

<p>D90 with Sigma 12-24 f/4.</p>

<p><a title="Antes de la caída por Girona_Flashman, en Flickr" href=" Antes de la caída src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5259/5460508407_e1c6f6c4ae.jpg" alt="Antes de la caída" width="500" height="332" /></a></p>

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<p>This past week I spent several hours taking pictures of my son's Acrobatic Gymnastics team. I don't post pictures of the kids on Photo.net, but I decided I could post a picture of their blocks. Acrobatic Gymnastics is done in pairs, trios, or groups. The "tops" practice handstands and other skills on their wooden blocks before moving on to do them on the hands of a human "base". Acro blocks are as ubiquitous as gym chalk and leotards, and the tops usually personalize them. </p><div>00YHD2-334991684.jpg.3574eab38cd749184f2ff18261edba70.jpg</div>
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