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POTW 2/20/11


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<p>Great shots so far. I especially love Javier's stairs and Dave's cat. And ME - wow! <br>

I got one of those cheap fisheye lenses, a Rikonin 8mm f/3.5. MF with an A setting. So far I like it. Fun for the right scene. Distortion seems not as bad as I've seen other fisheyes have. Pretty fun!<br>

<a title="IMGP6514 by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP6514 src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5180/5449125056_3d0c5a685e_z.jpg" alt="IMGP6514" width="427" height="640" /></a><br>

While I was making some test shots my cat showed up (maybe a quarter mile from my house)<br>

<a title="IMGP6534 by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP6534 src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5297/5448516219_f0cce83ebb_z.jpg" alt="IMGP6534" width="640" height="427" /></a><br>


Finally one from a more normal perspective, the da40.<br>

<a title="IMGP6296.jpg by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP6296.jpg src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4073/5447459710_ae65304234_z.jpg" alt="IMGP6296.jpg" width="425" height="640" /></a></p>

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<p>Howard, I think you folks are ringing out the last of the snow from what dumped near a foot and a half on us over the past 24 hours. Down to flurries now. We are within inches of a record seasonal snow count, we're at something like 6'2" for the season so far, more expected in the next 5-7 days. Yeah, peanuts compared to the mountains, or Great Lakes-effect regions, but darn it, our snow sits here all winter just piling up. I'm hoping I don't develop a glacier at the end of my driveway. ARGH!!!!! I am so tired of this winter, and we haven't even gotten into March yet which is always good for another foot or so. But sorry to pass that storm on to you.</p>

<p>Hey Matt, I love those photos.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Nothing from me this week, but I wanted to comment on the shot by Anirban Banerjee. </p>

<p>Last week I also loved your shot. This week you have impressed me once again with such a striking photo. I'm not sure what to make of this week's photo. The color toning of the photo is wonderful (the sepia-like color). Then the bread and fire jump right out. It is striking because I am not sure whether I would like it more with the bread and fire toned to match the rest of the photo, or if it is this current treatment that makes the photo jump out to me.</p>

<p>Very interesting photo. The tension I feel from being torn on the color issue has caused me to look at your photo over and over again. Each time I still cannot decide what I would like more than the other, but in all cases I really like the photo. I would call that success! </p>

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<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=3995070">Bob Marz</a> , Feb 20, 2011; 07:57 a.m. <strong>Crane Mt Summit View</strong> / Pentax K10D / smc PENTAX-DA 16-45mm f4 / <em>f16@1/180sec / ISO 200 / fl 24.0 </em></p>



<p>Your shot is excellent!</p>

<p>Bob, as you probably have guessed, Crane Mountain is one of my all time favorites. I hike is about 6-10 times a year most years. Sometimes twice a month when time is short or gas is high. I consider it the first real mountain in driving distance from home. We were last up there the 29th of January. It was a balmy -5F when we began descending from the upper ladder (didn't summit even though it was literally 70 vertical feet above us).</p>

<p>For some reason I never get tired of that mountain. Sleeping Beauty, Black, Buck, Cat and Hadley among others are all slightly closer, but they just don't have the appeal of Crane.</p>

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<p>Thanks Justin. I liked the climb better with snow covering most of the boulder strewn trail which made it easier. You're a tad younger.</p>

<p>Even though the wind was howling and my fingers starting to feel like frozen glass, I actually sort of visualized the whole scene before I shot using the boulder in the foreground, snow and ice covered, reflecting the muted sunlight. The filtered sun thru the clouds, the distant hills, the snow covered ponds, and freshly fallen snow dusting the pines to the left foreground.</p>

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<p>A few photos from the Calgary Corporate Challenge Human Bonspiel last week... might seem strange to some, but Canadians can't seem to get enough of Curling. Gotta do some silly stuff to take the edge off winter. Folks had a blast, and raised some funds for a good cause.<br>

<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_YM-zE7u7f9U/TWQBURGhboI/AAAAAAAAAUA/_OiKN7wLgC4/s640/K5__1592.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="512" /><br>

<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_YM-zE7u7f9U/TWQBXF_ipdI/AAAAAAAAAUc/ssJSz8I6asY/s640/K20D1925.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="512" /><br>

<img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_YM-zE7u7f9U/TWQBUvr2XQI/AAAAAAAAAUE/gWVhTgTEUI4/s640/K5__1596.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>Thanks Justin. I liked the climb better with snow covering most of the boulder strewn trail which made it easier. You're a tad younger.</p>



<p>Especially in the cold, pre visualization is key. You can get away with experimenting in the warm weather, but in the winter you need to be pretty sure. Looks like your vision came to fruition!</p>

<p>The boulder field trail headed towards the ladders are part of the reason I love it. I rarely descend that way, it's rough on the body. Though we did the last visit in january when it was snow covered, and it reminded me how steep it is.My wife also had a strained back last spring, and we had to descend that route...I hardly call it a trail on descent!</p>

<p>Then again, the outlet trail is just as steep but much more slabby.</p>

<p>I highly recommend the bushwhack to West Crane. Great views and there is sort of a herd path. Not too challenging but still a bit of an adventure.</p>

<p>The mountain is also home to dozens of rock climbing routes and a handful of long ice routes several hundred feet in length. Not to mention there is a ski trail/closed jeep trail at the base!</p>

<p>Overall it's an amazingly diverse and accessible mountain. I do wish the DEC would ban camping around the pond though, the area is too heavily impacted and too sensitive to the use it receives so close to the shoreline.</p>

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<p>Comments for the week:<br>

Ben - the vignetting makes it very strong!<br>

Javier - How do you get your subjects to color coordinate with the background? I also like #3 - metaphorical on several levels.<br>

Markus - #1 Howdja do that? Some people are just creative. #3 - I like smiling dogs.<br>

Bob- Really nice, especially the rays.<br>

Yuri - The couple and girls on lawn, although I sort of wish you had picked one or the other.<br>

Ainirban - Street bread - Sepia is terrific -normal bread a little distracting.<br>

Dave - Cat portrait is perfect - you can almost feel the fur.<br>

ME - #1 - I had to drop that look in 1968 when I started teaching in Public School, went back to it in the 70's, dropped it in the 80's - 2007, now let it grow in somewhat and then cut it. #3 is intense! How has your wife reacted?<br>

Jordan - What lens? Someday I'll get a long telephoto (400+).<br>

Matt - love the cat - the curve implies the rub it probably gave you. #3 is very nice.<br>

Andrew - # 2<br>

WJ - Good shot under extreme conditions! :-)</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>How has your wife reacted?</p>


<p>Hi Howard,<br>

She's been great. It took her a day or so to let things set in---especially those moments when awakening in bed and perceiving that there's a stranger next to you! My new look fits in with her very reasonable belief that children should see their father's whole face at least once in their lifetimes. My dad is in his late 80s and I've never seen him without a moustach.</p>


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