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Wrong mounted lens won't come off!


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<p>Hello everyone,<br>

I feel like an utter idiot after quickly assembling my brand new Olympus E-PL1 with its Zuiko 14-42 mm lens, only to realize when turning it on that the lens didn't mount correctly and now the camera won't shoot and I can't get the lens off (I've tried everything without force, and even a small amount of that, too).<br>

What to do?! :(<br>


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<p>I would try putting it in the freezer for a couple hours, then try it. A fairly small temperature difference can have a huge effect when two metal surfaces are jammed together; one piece contracts to a different extent than the other. Not guaranteed to work, but I don't think it'll do any harm (no more than leaving the camera in your car on one of these cold nights) and it just might work.</p>
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<p>There is a chance that the lens lock, or latch, has engaged slightly, even though the lens is a bit cock-eyed. There might be just a bit of force that is holding the latching mechanism, (latch is sticking), even when you push the lens release button. <br>

You might try holding the release button, and actually turn the lens just slightly tighter, see if that doesn't relieve the pressure on the latch, then allowing you to unscrew the lens. A little counter-intuitive, but might be worth a try. Go easy on the extra force though.</p>

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<p>If it is brand new, I suppose I might want to call Olympus service number and describe situation to a tech rep. If the pin, that is the only thing I know of holding the lens on to the mount to the camera has a faulty spring behind the lock pin, then this is a clear manufacturing defect in the camera, although it could be the lens but how can one diagnose this at home, sure needs to go back to the nearest service center for repair or replacement of the camera. <br>

I mean why mess around. You know. Stuff happens.</p>

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