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Free Fashion retouching!

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<p>Hey, Im offering free fashion retouching!<br /> This includes</p>

<p>Background repair <br /> Color Correction<br /> Background seam removal<br /> Blemish removal<br /> Skin retouch<br /> Full airbrush.<br /> Hair Bright<br /> Eye Bright<br /> Make-up enhancement.</p>

<p>if you are interested, Please let me know Via email.<br /> <br />Photo.me.jack@gmail.com<br /> and state what you want :)<br /> (all images need to be correctly exposed and good quality.)<br /> Thank you :) <br /><br />Jack</p>

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<p>The image above wasn't airbrushed that much.</p>


<p>It also went from magenta to green. I'm an old salt, but I was taught that clients would accept almost any slight color cast as long as it wasn't green.</p>

<p>So I'm curious to see what you can do with this one...</p>


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<p>Les, a proper copyright notice consists of the following elements:</p>


<li>The © symbol or word, 'Copyright' [but not both]</li>

<li>The first year of publication</li>

<li>The name of the company originating the work</li>

</ol><ol> </ol>

<p>. . . jfyi</p>

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<p>free retouching to build a portfolio to showcase what you can do... i like the idea, i should do that also ; )</p>

<p>im curious about your skin retouching... do you use a plugin to do it? or do you have a special technique?</p>

<p>do you have a calibrated setup? what do you use...</p>

<p>have any prior experience in fashion retouching? anything that you have done and being pay for or just for fun?</p>

<p>is this what you like to do for a living, or just to showcase something to your teacher and friend?</p>

<p>im feeling curious this morning... been a long time since i have been here (at least 2-3 days.. for me.. its a long time ; )</p>

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<p>I Have Edited model portfolios for fashion photographers (around about 300 pictures) - and no, I dont use a plugin to airbrush, I do it manually :) It took me forever, but it was worth it.<br>

I tried using another computer, and it was a disaster, as the screen wasnt calibrated. So from now on, All my editing is to be done from my desktop :P<br>

<br />Message me if you want to know more :)</p>

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<p>Just for fun. I took it to ACR for a two minute tune up. I am curious if this is close to the creators original visual scene. Personally, I find that pushing pale skin tones as high as they can go without a blowout is sometimes more aesthetically acceptable than letting them sit down in the midtones. I just cropped it for efficiency.</p>

<p><img src="http://padillabowen.com/dropbox/00Y8kd-327539584_NPB.JPG" alt="" /></p>

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