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"Hall of Fame" modern film cameras


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<p>I.M.O the first truly modern film camera that was the forerunner of just about all subsequent 35mm film SLR design both in shape and function was the Canon T90, at the time it came out I sold cameras for a living and we and the customers had never seen anything like it and they sold like hot cakes, unfortunately with the introduction by Minolta of first autofocus SLR the bottom dropped out of the market for them and they were only made for around a year in 1986, but some indication of how many were sold is how many are still around twenty five years later.</p>
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<p>Konica Hexar AF, a full-featured point and shoot with 35/2 lens that rivals the 4th-gen Summicron 35/2, should be in here! It is bigger than any p&s that I know of (well, maybe some of those early 80s honkers are bigger than it), and while the feature sets of other posh p&s like the Contax T2/T3, Nikon 35Ti or Ricoh GR1 are similar, the silent mode of the camera combined with its intelligent way of handling the P (program) feature (set your widest desired aperture along with your slowest preferred shutter speed), IMHO, beats the others hands down.<br>

<br />Other cameras mentioned here are much more notable than the Hexar AF; but for its unique features, it is my favourite p&s... and probably last 35mm camera!</p>

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<p>I love my Nikon F5; it fits my hand perfectly and is a solid platform. My favorite smaller film cameras are: Canon AE-1 and Voigtlander R3M (I enjoy shooting with this more than my Leica M6TTL, go figure). Medium format film camera favorites are Mamiya 7, Pentax 645 and Fujifilm GA645. Oh yes, and my 50-plus year old Agfa Isolette III with f3.5 Solinar lens, a great little camera that produces fantastic results.</p><div>00YFYI-333963584.thumb.jpg.cc867fb50bea993d3c7ad375991ba321.jpg</div>
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