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Pictures in photoshop changing after being saved

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<p>I hope someone can help me, because I am going BONKERS over this.</p>

<p>I've used the same desktop for four years now. I bought a new monitor and calibrated it. No problem.</p>

<p>Shot a session in RAW, opened and corrected in lightroom. Exported jpegs to folder, then opened files in photoshop cs2 to fine tune them. Everything looked great. Saved files again as final edits. Opened file of final edits and they are INSANELY over saturated. Brilliant pink skin tones, florescent greens. Not even close. However, when I upload the file to anything on the internet (facebook/flickr, blog) it appears just like it does in photoshop and lightroom, the way I intended it. However, when I uploaded it to my showitfast slideshow program it had the same insane saturation. What is going on? Any help would be hugely appreciated.</p>

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<p>Definitely sounds like a colour space issue - the programs that give the bad results are probably not colour space aware so they are ignoring the colour space in the file. Do you use sRGB or Adobe RGB or something else when saving the files? If you want them to look OK on non colour space aware programs (like most web browsers) you need to convert them to sRGB</p>

<p>I am far from an expert on this stuff so I expect those with the knowledge to step in shortly :-)</p>

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<p>The thing is, I've used the software (just downloaded lightroom) but have used photoshop, picasa (to view things quickly) and my showitfast slideshow software for over two years now and never had this issue before. I could understand more if it were displaying the over saturated images on both the internet and the slideshow software, but why JUST the slideshow software? I am saving them as sRGB, I made sure. But when I switch the View -- proof setup -- monitor set up in photoshop,that is exactly what I am seeing in the actual folder. Crazy colors. But when I convert it back to Working CMYK that is what I'm seeing on the internet and in photoshop and lightroom. So aggravating.</p>
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<p>I think I found out what was going wrong... in lightroom it was using the color space sRGB. The minute I changed it to AdobeRGB it cleaned up so that I saw it consistently from exporting it from lightroom to a folder on the hard drive, into photoshop, saving it from photoshop to another folder. It appeared the same when I uploaded it to flickr/facebook and my slideshow software. No clue why that is, but I guess I'll take it.</p>
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<p>sRGB colorspace shouldn't be creating that problem. It is actually a more compressed space than Adobe RGB.<br>

However, the data itself is not modified, only the colorspace model it's viewed through. Did you update any software lately? If not, see if there is an update for either Photoshop or Lightroom that you haven't installed.<br>

In your already processed files, in Photoshop go to EDIT, ASSIGN PROFILE and see what's assigned. Even if it looks normal (such as sRGB or AdobeRGB), assign it another model, prss OK, then RE-assign it the model it had. Save it and see if you're still getting the same effect.<br>

Also go to EDIT, COLOR SETTINGS in Photoshop and make sure nothing has been changed in there.</p>

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<p>1_you should not export your image as JPEG then rework on it, and resaved them as JPEG.. why are you shoothing raw too start if you deliberately want to destroy data during your process? At least export them as TIF, work in Photoshop, then save them as JPEG if you want.. but at least you still have a TIF original to go back to.</p>

<p>2_Now for your color problem, i assume you have a PC and something wrong have append in your color display setup... im not that expert in PC, but make sure that somewhere you have correctly define your monitor profile as the profile to be use for the monitor ONLY.</p>

<p>3_Make sure that in the color preference of Photoshop, you dont see this calibration anywere. in the RGB color spcae you should see Adobe RGB or sRGB in your case... nothing else.</p>

<p>4_If you export your file from Lightroom as sRGB, open them in Photoshop as sRGB and upload them on your web page as sRGB... the color should look the same anywere.</p>

<p>So right now even if you think you fix the problem by going Adobe RGB 98, you have only patch a problem that can be major one day without you knowing it.</p>

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