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Dust in LCD of 5D MK II

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<p>I had a brand new 5D MKII attached to a 70-200 2.8L MK II.<br>

I was traveling on a very dusty road in an open jeep in Rajasthan, India.<br>

I covered the camera with my wind breaker once I realized what the road situation was to protect it(camera).<br>

Back in the hotel, after cleaning the camera, I noticed that there was an accumulation of dust on the LCD screen under the glass, about 5 mm in diameter! Only at one spot. Did not see<br>

Why did this happen ?<br>

What do I do now ?</p>


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<p>There is actually a protective plastic cover which can be removed and replaced. Canon sells replacement parts for this as well as adhesive tape to reapply the LCD cover. You just need to be careful to properly remove the cover and it might be worthwhile having a repair shop do it.</p>
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<p>Take a look at the link that Paul posted. You need to get CB-4949-000 from Canon. They'll ship it to you.</p>

<p>Now to take the LCD over off, find yourself a suction cup and use that to pry the existing LCD off. I used a suction cup that came with my shower glass squiggy from Bed Bath and Beyond to pry of the existing plastic. If you go slow, you'll be able to reuse the plastic cover. Once you have the plastic cover off, clean the LCD and the LCD cover. Replace the adhesive and then place the plastic cover back in place.</p>

<p>Good Luck.</p>

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