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Elmar 5cm 3,5 lens Hood + UV filter


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<p>Hello guys<br>

Just got a Elmar 5cm 3,5 and just ordered a FIKUS 50-135mm (screw) lens hood.<br>

Now i am looking for a UV filter to go along with them, but not sure if it's even possible because i couldn't find any information about it. <br>

If any of you guys are using the same set up, please be so kind and point me to the right direction.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

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<p>Are you talking about the Elmar 5cm 1:3.5 bayonet mount lens? I believe that lens takes E39 screw in-filters. You can look around for used Leica filters (eBay) or buy a new B+W 39mm uv filter from <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/11956-REG/B_W_65_070061_39mm_Ultraviolet_UV_Filter.html">B&H Photo for less</a>.</p>

<p>I have never seen a FIKUS hood that screwed into the front of a lens. Are you sure it doesn't clamp onto the front of your lens? If your lens has no front threads, you must use A36 clamp-on filters which are only available used. You can find them on eBay, but be sure the condition of the glass is good before you bid or "buy now". These filters are old and many are etched from fungus, scratched, or have mottled surfaces.</p>

<p>If the front of your lens is threaded, I don't think the FIKUS hood is going to fit on it. You might need the ITOOY/12580 hood.</p>

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<p>If your lens is screw-mount (LTM), the FIKUS would fit - and be pretty large, relative to the size of the lens. The lens hood is fixed by a screw on the side, and Robert is correct that you would need A36 filters - that affix the same way - to mount on the lens, before you attach the lens hood to the filter. The thing is that changing the aperture of the lens would require taking off the hood/filter... Quite annoying.<br /><br />I have this hood instead:<br /><br /><a href="http://webrevolutionary.com/price/img-large/leica-lens-hood-for-elmar-5cm-needs-work_130454006250.jpg">http://webrevolutionary.com/price/img-large/leica-lens-hood-for-elmar-5cm-needs-work_130454006250.jpg</a><br /><br />Can't remember the Leitz code for it, I'm afraid. Much smaller and lighter than the FIKUS... I have used it on a Summar, but the Elmar has the same front mount.<br /><br />Hope this helps,<br /><br />Soeren</p><div>00XzyS-319193584.jpg.a7e860286c537348ed4f6a8eaca55084.jpg</div>
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<p>Hello robert<br>

Thanks for your response.<br>

I am not sure what if those are bayonet mount, i only know them as the L39 Screw mount lens (leica iiif) * i attached the photos of my lens and shade below.<br>

Yes, i am sure the FIKUS will fit, it will make my camera look like this *(photo no.3 by Johan Doumont). I actually wanted to get the ITOOY, but unfortunately those are just too expensive on the bay.<br>

My only concern is only it's because the shade fit perfectly on top of the 36mm front so i don't have a gap to fit an UV filter on anymore. <br>

<img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Y2wcituU2bc/TSn-txT1CFI/AAAAAAAAAJg/9cePDo6z0ig/Picture%203.png" alt="" width="510" height="380" /><br>

<img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Y2wcituU2bc/TSn-trBnSXI/AAAAAAAAAJc/hrl7lAteVYk/-236383603102643390.jpg" alt="" width="400" height="341" /><br>

<img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Y2wcituU2bc/TSn_kwYIliI/AAAAAAAAAJo/ULX-SxD8Z1w/leicaIII-2.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="432" /></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Hmmm - I just discovered a new website which goes by the name of "Google" or something :-)<br /><br />Anyway, the hood is called FISON, and you can see here, how it mounts on the filter that, again, mounts on the lens using a similar screw:<br>

<a href="http://harrysproshop.com/Used_Miscellaneous/Leitz_FISON_Lens_Hood_w_Black_Paint_0__UV__Filter_fits_50mm_Elmar_Lens.jpg">http://harrysproshop.com/Used_Miscellaneous/Leitz_FISON_Lens_Hood_w_Black_Paint_0__UV__Filter_fits_50mm_Elmar_Lens.jpg</a><br /><br />I use a similar setup on my 3.5 cm Elmar (That hood is a FOOKH), and I simply unscrew the filter (with the hood on it) to change the aperture. <br /><br />Soeren<br>

<br />...You may also Google VOOLA or VALOO for an easier way to change the aperture...</p><div>00Xzyj-319201584.jpg.09797804b211e20676b661ec5ae82cf1.jpg</div>

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