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Another new lens from Pentax......


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<p>.....should be a 15-85 or something very close to that zoom range that is WR....</p>

<p>After I bought the K-5 I feel that I also should upgrade from my 16-45 to something else of a HQ zoom lens.</p>

<p>A while ago I was looking to buy the 17-70 for it's in my opinion almost excellent zoom range but it's not a WR lens and to me the new 18-135 has in my opinion somewhat "wrong" zoom range and I also wonder if it's at all better in sharpness than my "old" 16-45......</p>

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<p>No, the 18-135 WR is not better than the 16-45 although I can easily see the difference compared to the 18-55 WR (18-135 is better). My tests came out with the 16-45 about the same as the 18-135 across their common range. The 18-135 is also not quite as sharp at 135 as the 55-300. But after I ran all the tests and graded all the lenses I still find the 18-135 is enjoyable to use and its now my first choice when I go out with only a single lens, day or night.</p>
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<p>I believe that you misunderstood me...or, I couldn't express myself correctly in english...what I meant was that the zoom range actually should be between 15-85..... <strong>(</strong>or 16-85 which can be found among lenses from Nippon Kogaku<strong>) </strong></p>

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<p>Merry Christmas folks. Lee, I am very interested in the 18-135 and I read your comments with great interest. How is the focusing with that new motor? Is it faster than the screw drive? Does it hunt? What kind of body did you test it on? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for that :)</p>
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<p>Javier, I've had the lens for about a month now. I use it on the K20D, K-7 and K-5 (which has been returned due the sensor stains). The 18-135 focuses quickly and quietly, and if anything, the camera seem to hunt less with it. Though, the hunting is more a function of the available light and the cameras focusing ability, i.e. the K20D hunts more in a given low lighting situation than the K-7. The 18-135 is smaller in diameter and length than the 16-45, but is heavier, and fully extended the 18-135 is longer. It's a good focal range for me and I think it'll become one of my most used lenses. Some examples of what I've done with it can be seen in the last 3 photos here: http://www.mcherderingphotography.com/arizona-0.html<br>

Eric, the zoom ring feels fine to me, no problems with smoothness.<br>


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<p>mike, thank you very much for the info. it is exactly the kind of info i was after. right now, i would say that i am fairly sure i will order it this coming week. i don't know if i will use the lens past the 35mm mark much, but the quiet motor is important to me as is the wr. </p>
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