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My Pentax-A 24mm F2.8 meets Santa Claus

markus maurer

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<p>Santa and his servant came to town yesterday evening and I took a few snaps for the local community.<br>

I used the Pentax-A 24mm F2.8 with a crossfilter on the Pentax K10D with a AF280T in manual mode and a slow speed flash setting in M mode of around 1/13 second, ISO 200 and F 5.0-6.3 and bounced the flash into the white tent when possible. The shots are a bit underexposed and therefore noisier than I wished but I hope you still like to see our version of Santa :-)</p>

<p> </p><div>00XoUi-309143684.jpg.7eb43fa58866617737c3ffd7e4870a4b.jpg</div>

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<p>Yury I prefer your Santa version not just because of the animals, a nice photo.<br>

Chuk, the role of the black servant was historically to make naughty children afraid and his name is "Schmutzli" which means a person who is dirty (from coal). In my childhood they even packed naughty children into the sack for educational reason, gladly nowadays Santa and his helper (and the mule) are overall friendly and noone has to fear them anymore.</p>

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