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Google adwords


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Took everyones advice and set up a google adwords account set to auto bid max 5.00 per day. Listed 42 keyword phrases all with a

quality score of 6 or 7 out of 10. Problem is when I google an exact keyword phrase my ad does not show up. I don't understand why

as some of my keyword phrases when entered in google only show 2 or 3 adds. I tried the diagnostic tool but most of my keywords

say Either this keyword has a low search volume and Isn't showing any of your ads or Although your ad is showing it's rank is not

high enough to show on the first page ( I don't get this one as google says 11 adds per page but only 7 are showing) and the last one

is this keyword isnt triggering adds right now. I don't get it I've read the help pages and still cant figure it out. Please help

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<p>I tried it a few years ago and was disappointed to never see my own ads pop up.<br>

Google goes by geography, and my ISP was in the next county, I'm in Los Angeles, which is why Google told me I didn't show up. Google thought I was in Irvine.<br>

Problem is I was using a very popular ISP here, ATT, so it made me wonder how many other people didn't see the ad. So I let it go.<br>

Maybe now it's changed. Call them.</p>

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<p>I've tried all kinds of things with Google Ads. For bridal stuff, I prefer facebook ads (more my market) for products, I prefer google ads.</p>

<p>I haven't had problems with seeing my own ads. It's possible you're just not bidding high enough to rank? Even if it says you are, sometimes their guesses are wrong</p>


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<p>Google adwords (or CPC advertising) is something that must be heavily analyzed before throwing money at it. Trying to keep up with Google's search algorithms is like a monkey chasing it's tail.</p>

<p>CPC advertising is complex at best, yet most just feel if they appear in the sponsored search results they will produce magic. This in itself is a falsehood.</p>

<p>For most small businesses, it (adwords) is a money pit.<br>

Talk to as many people as you can who either use or have used CPC advertising. Ask them what the result was.</p>

<p>Have you pursued all available options and techniques to appear in the organic search results?<br>

While most small businesses rarely make it to page one or two, you can rank higher than you think regionally.</p>

<p>SEO is well beyond what I am able to type or explain in great detail, yet the subject is one that all online business people need to a have a deep grasp of if the majority of your biz is from your online presence.</p>

<p>Have you looked at all your options in the marketing world to sell your product or service?</p>

<p>While a online presence is great, it is but one of many marketing tools at your disposal.<br>

Online + classified + flyers + shows + direct mail + email blasts + radio +remnant advertising + radio +TV etc etc...are all part of your visibility and $$$ success.</p>

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<p>Google looks to have a tendency to localize the search. Although I'm on page 1 for the most searches in my city I use adwords to spread my name out in the nearby cities. I have started an adwords campain since august this year. More hits but no spectacular results so far.</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...
<p>I spent a year playing around with Google adwords. It took me a lot of money to find out this is no place for wedding photographers to advertise. To get significant presence on the first page in my area, I needed at least $2.00 a click. I would set my limit to $1000 a month and about $30.00 a day. I would generally get clicked off the first page by 11:00am every morning. Any other photographer can click you off the page in a couple of hours. Google swears that is impossible, but they also got sued and lost, because it is possible. I was part of that lawsuit. There are some great articles in the New York Times about people using adwords successfully. The successful ones spend many thousands a month.</p>
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