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Softlighter II 60" and Silver/Gold Disc


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<p>I am interested in getting a Softlighter II 60" after working with shootthrough umbrellas for awhile. However at <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/75852-REG/Photek_SL_6000_Umbrella_Softlighter_II.html">http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/75852-REG/Photek_SL_6000_Umbrella_Softlighter_II.html</a> i notice that the 60" do not come with the silver/gold disc which Im planning to have to increase the light output. Why does the 60" not come with it, and how do i get a silver disc for the 60"?</p>

<p>Also, is it too ambitious to overpower the sun with a single 580EX shooting into the Softlighter?</p>

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<p>First question--the discs don't increase power much, if at all. They are to there to affect the quality/specularity and the while balance of the light. I don't know why the product doesn't come with the discs. My medium sized Softlighter came with them. You could ask the company that makes them.</p>

<p>Second question--yes, you will not overpower the sun with the 580EX into the 60" Softlighter. Even a more powerful flash would have trouble, unless the subject was very, very close.</p>

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<p>I probably don't need to modify the quality of the light, yet. Is the 60" Softlighter too large for 580EX when shooting outdoors? How practical is that?<br>

Say I place the subject under the shade during a typical afternoon. Can a single 580ex with the 60" Softlighter act as a key light?</p>

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<p>I would (and have, only as a test) used the 580EX into the 60", but I put the wide angle diffuser down on the flash head and put the flash close to the umbrella. You will need to find the best flash to umbrella position so that the flash's light fills the umbrella as much as possible. If you don't do this, you are at cross purposes with using an umbrella to begin with.</p>

<p>The umbrella is not too large outdoors, but any umbrella is risky outside if there is even a puff of wind. You will need sandbags and/or a dedicated assistant, for safety reason--people safety and the safety of your flash gear.</p>

<p>In shade, yes, the set up can act as key light. Again, you will need to put it close to the subject, and it depends on ISO and aperture.</p>

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<p>Coincidentally, yesterday I just conducted some tests to see where to place my 580EX on the softliter pole to get full coverage in the umbrella (as per Nadine's suggestion). I found that full coverage, with the 580EX wide-angle reflector down, was about 18" from the umbrella braces (where they meet the center pole) to the hotshoe for the 60" softliter. FYI, the equivalent distances for the 45" and 35" softliters were about 16" and 14", respectively.<br>

Good luck shooting outdoors w the 60"er and the 580EX - thats a little light in a big modifier (esp w the diffusion screen attached)<br>

- Mark</p>

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