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Out of the classic zone weakness(es)

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<p>I am very new to classic manual cameras, as I bought my first just a few weeks ago. I carry my Olympus Evolt 300 DSLR but just realized I have been using it as a dandified light meter since I bought the Yashica C. Wish I had read this forum long ago.</p>
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<p>Obviously a lot of us are using film nonclassics! <br>

My most recent outing was with my Contax 167MT, which is still my workhorse film camera for days when I'm not in the mood to fiddle with anything funky. <br>

<img src="http://inlinethumb13.webshots.com/23756/2594121480079328339S500x500Q85.jpg" alt="" /><br>

I also shoot a Yashica T4 on social occasions, and I have a couple of other film P&Ss that see occasional use.</p>

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<p>Working with Nikon DSLRs for my bread-and-butter jobs, I revert to manual focus glass on these bodies for fun and pleasure. Despite lack of infinty focus with adapters, I get a kick out of el-cheapo M42 lenses on my D70s and D200. <br />"Non-classic" film cameras would be the Ricoh XR-10 I've had since a teenager. It's been shelved since I've been married, but I'm threatening to collect a couple of choice K-mount lenses to use with it for old-times' sake. I'm still busy archiving the tons of negatives made with this aperture-priority SLR. This camera's joined me through good and bad times thoughout Eastern Europe, Alaska, East Texas, and all over NYC; hard to let go.<br />I'm too fataly smitten by my Voigtlander Prominent and newly-CLA'd Contax III rangefinders to stray far from the classic camera realm. However, two oddball "modern" cameras that strike my fancy are the Yashica Saumrai and Ricoh Mirai compact SLRs. I'll ask Santa Claus if he can find room on his sleigh for these electronic beasts this year ;0)</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>In addtion to many classics, like my Konica T3 and Canon F-1, I feel I have many non-classic classics, including two in that oft-dismissed category, the P&S digicam. My 5mp Canon SD20 is an amazing image maker, and my Fuji F20 is amazing in low light. When it comes to film though, I adore my Canon A-1, my Minolta Maxxum 800si, and my EOS 1V. If you can't capture a picture on the 1V it probably can't be captured. :)</p>
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<p>My two Rollei TLRs are currently loaned out. In the meantime, I've shot a Color Photography I class at college using my Widelux, a Nikon N80 (in manual mode, as we were supposed to), and a Ciro-Flex TLR.</p>

<p>Currently, I'm carrying an Olympus Stylus Tough on my belt at school and in daily life. It gets used as a mini-scanner of notes, documents, and drawings. And also as a camera, especially on whitewater kayaking trips.</p>

<p>I also shoot with a Nikon D90 and the Widelux, especially if shooting a public event for pay. Here's an example of what the Widelux might be used for, from a recent shoot, attached.</p><div>00Xl9L-306421584.jpg.61c23e69e87fe45c6d266be8ff427163.jpg</div>

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