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My razor is dull.


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<p>Can't seem to get sharp images from my D300 and 200-400 VR combo. Occasionally I produce a sharp one but not consistently. On a tripod with VR on or off does not make much difference. Hand held at different shutter speeds ( even high ones) does not seem to help. I was told by a pro photographer (nikon shooter) that I should send my camera and lens into Nikon service, and they would "calibrate" them together. He said it made a huge difference to his similar combo. Any insight on this "calibration" as he called it would be appreciated. Thanks.</p>
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<p>You need to determine whether the problem is with the body or lens, or both. Did your 200-400mm every produce sharp images with your d300 or any other body? Can you get sharp images with correct manual focus? If the answer is yes, the AF fine tune should correct the problem. If not, you may need to have your camera and/or lens adjusted by Nikon.</p>
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<p>Like Elliot said you need to see which one is the problem. How are other lens on Your D300? My Nikon70-200mm was doing the same thing. Nikon fixed it up.They replaced the function button,replaced lens bayonet mount Adjust Auto focus.Also checked VR unit,zooming mechanism,checked communication and General Check&clean. Maybe have someone try your lens on there body and see what they get.</p>
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<p>My 200-400 VRI is still an amazingly crisp optic after 5-3/4 years of heavy use.<br>

But my D300 also tends to need fairly aggressive sharpening for RAW files to look good. Are you shooting RAW only? Try also shooting a small associated .jpg with the sharpening on (set around 25 or 30, IIRC). This way the RAWs will open with some sharpening applied. (It's all completely reversible, by the way).<br>

And if you're not already using it Capture NX2 does a much, much better job with opening NEF files than other RAW convertors.</p>


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