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Real world photo's with the K5

ian s. forsyth

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<p> I just got back today shooting with the k5 and I am imprested. I was worried that with the better high iso performance that I would be giving up what made the k7 strong the 100-400 range. I think the k5 might have the K7 beat or very close which is a big relief. I recently dropped my k20d &sigma 105 macro killing them both and was kicking around getting another k7 as a backup or finding another k20d. I went with the k5 and don’t ask about the $$ I can see when the price drops to $1000 this camera is going to sell like hot cakes and make a lot of people happy. This first photo is @ iso 200<br>

I will update as I load photos, some at 400 and 1600<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/11877231-lg.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/11877233-lg.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="463" /></p>

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<p>Been using the K10 since march -07 and as it seems... I will get my preordered K-5 during week 45.. and compared to the k-7 I have decided <em><strong>not</strong></em> to listen to any negative words about this camera like I did with the k-7...which made me not to buy the K-7...But, this week I read in pentaxforums.com about a person who according to him thought that his K10 had better IQ in RAW at low ISO compared to K-5....I guess that he compared pictures of the K-5 he have seen on the net..</p>

<p><strong>Ian</strong>...Since you have had the K20 and have the K-7 and K-5....could you please confirm that he is totally wrong in his opinion... I will not have any negative though this time....</p>

<p>The only "problem" I have with my K10 is that the AWB have been "stucked" to "5100 /-7" since it doesn't matter in what condition I take pictures (RAW) <strong>it is </strong>those numbers almost always.</p>

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The photos look fine, although not really any better technically than what I would expect from my k20d under the same conditions. My big question is the processing speed. For example, if I take 5 RAW or 6mp Jpeg photos in a row, my k20d takes about 14 seconds (rough guess) to process before they'll be displayed. Recently, I handled both a Nikon D300s and Canon 7D, and this was done almost instantaneously by both. In many situations, such as tricky stage lighting which can fool any meter, I simply have to be able to try some different settings and evaluate quickly.<br>

If the k-5 can't match Nikon and Canon in processing/preview speed, and can't get reasonably close in AF, then for the same body price I'll switch at this point. If they haven't caught up by now, it's likely they never will. I'm surprised they haven't found a way to increase the flash sync to 1/250. <br>

Each of the previous models have dropped in price by half, which has probably led many, including me, to expect the same from Pentax. Canon and Nikon have been much smarter by not training their customers to wait for their price to fall by half. The question for many of us is now "$1700? Yeah, sure. When will it come down to $799 as usual?"</p>

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<p>Been having problems with reading PEF & DNG in silky pixs pro software. I have only found PS elements able to open PEF and DNG for the k5 I found a way to open them with SPP, I save the PEF with elements as a DNG and SPP will recognize them some times. I don’t want to load the pentax software to just to view and process the data, so 1600 iso ones I cannot open will have to wait.<br>

I have found no issues with the K5 as I have had it for a only week. I seldom use AF and cannot say if it is any faster or slow that DS K10 K20D or K7 but what I have really noticed is that the k5 confirms focus drastically fast than the K7 and better in low light and also when used with 1.4 conv. and the 2 conv. As far as processing when I take the shot its ready by the time I tip the camera , when I shoot 7at 7 fps it takes about 10 sec To view the last shot in raw, with Jpeg I can usually get around 15-18 shoots till the buffer is full and takes around 10sec to view the last shot. This is something interesting that pentaxs new Firmware fix will allow up to 18 PEF before the buffer is full and I can only imagine the jpeg will go up also what I think they have done with the fix is allow the user to pick ether 12 or 14 bit processing I don’t know as this is just a guess? The processing speed of the k20d was what pissed me off . I seldom us burst with the k20d but still was able to fill the buffer and I thought this was unacceptable with there fag ship camera. With the k5 I would have to say if I had to give a number when comparing the k20d to the k5, the k5 is 20-30% faster than the k20d using firmware1.00 on the k5 that’s about all I can tell you about the k5 other than I paid $1599 can.</p>

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<p>Sorry as far as the IQ that’s one of the hardest to evaluate. I would have to use the same lens in the same conditions and use the same PS processing I am not into sitting indoors staging trying to finding out which camera has the best image, when I have volume of photos to compare I might make my decision. its round what I would expect the k20 to be and noticeably better than k7 in the shadows from 100-400 and higher Iso 1600 is better than the K20d and is able to retain a lot more detail and does not have the off color cast I would get with the k20d and k7 I think it reacts more like the kX from what I have seen from posted photos. Conclusion I find it no worse the k20 If I had to put the SLR cameras I have owned in order from worst to best DS, K10d , k7, k20d, k7, me super, k5 (could be the new camera syndrome )</p>
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<p>It so happens that I had taken a photo with k7 first just to see if I could identify the doe<br>

It was just a quick shot in these conditions I most likely never would have stopped other than to identify her, it was taken at iso 400 1/25 sec with a different lens than the iso 1600 photo<br>

I used exactly the same processing as the k5 1600 photo. I don’t know if you could use these photos as comparison I thought it might be of some use to someone.<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/11882118-lg.jpg" alt="" /><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/11882122-lg.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>10 seconds is too long to view a burst of 7 frames. The whole reason to go digital in the first place is speed, right? The processing power exists--just too bad Pentax has chosen not to install it, especially for such a high initial price.</p>
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